spinnman.connections.abstract_classes package

Module contents

class spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Connection[source]

Bases: spinn_utilities.abstract_context_manager.AbstractContextManager

An abstract connection to the SpiNNaker board over some medium.


Closes the connection.


Determines if the medium is connected at this point in time.

Returns:True if the medium is connected, False otherwise
Return type:bool
Raises:SpinnmanIOException – If there is an error when determining the connectivity of the medium.
class spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Listenable[source]

Bases: object

An interface for connections that can listen for incoming messages.

Implementing this interface means that the connection can be used with ConnectionListener.


Get the method that receives for this connection.


Determines if there is an SCP packet to be read without blocking.

Parameters:timeout (int) – The time to wait before returning if the connection is not ready
Returns:True if there is an SCP packet to be read
Return type:bool
class spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.AbstractSCPConnection[source]

Bases: spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.connection.Connection

A sender and receiver of SCP messages.


The X-coordinate of the chip at which messages sent down this connection will arrive at first.

Return type:int

The Y-coordinate of the chip at which messages sent down this connection will arrive at first.

Return type:int

Returns the data of an SCP request as it would be sent down this connection.


Determines if there is an SCP packet to be read without blocking.

Parameters:timeout (int) – The time to wait before returning if the connection is not ready
Returns:True if there is an SCP packet to be read
Return type:bool

Receives an SCP response from this connection. Blocks until a message has been received, or a timeout occurs.


timeout (int) – The time in seconds to wait for the message to arrive; if not specified, will wait forever, or until the connection is closed


The SCP result, the sequence number, the data of the response and the offset at which the data starts (i.e., where the SDP header starts).

Return type:

tuple(SCPResult, int, bytes, int)


Sends an SCP request down this connection.

Messages must have the following properties:

  • source_port is None or 7
  • source_cpu is None or 31
  • source_chip_x is None or 0
  • source_chip_y is None or 0

tag in the message is optional; if not set, the default set in the constructor will be used. sequence in the message is optional; if not set, (sequence number last assigned + 1) % 65536 will be used

Parameters:scp_request (AbstractSCPRequest) – message packet to send
Raises:SpinnmanIOException – If there is an error sending the message