spinn_machine.data package

Module contents

class spinn_machine.data.MachineDataView[source]

Bases: spinn_utilities.data.utils_data_view.UtilsDataView

Adds the extra Methods to the View for Machine level.

See UtilsDataView for a more detailed description.

This class is designed to only be used directly within the SpiNNMachine repository as all methods are available to subclasses

classmethod get_chip_at(x, y)[source]

Gets the chip at x and y.

Almost Semantic sugar for get_machine().get_chip_at()

The method however does not return None but rather raises a KeyError if the chip is not known

Return type:


classmethod get_machine()[source]

Returns the Machine if it has been set.

In Mock mode will create and return a virtual 8 * 8 board

Raises:SpiNNUtilsException – If the machine is currently unavailable
Return type:Machine
classmethod get_nearest_ethernet(x, y)[source]

Gets the nearest ethernet x and y for the chip at x, y if it exists.

If there is no machine or no chip at (x, y) this method, or any other issue will just return x,y


This method will never request a new machine. Therefore a call to this method will not trigger a hard reset


Chip(x,y)’s nearest_ethernet info or if that is not available just x, and y

Return type:

tuple(int, int)

classmethod has_machine()[source]

Reports if a machine is currently set or can be mocked.

Return type:bool
classmethod where_is_chip(chip)[source]

Gets a string saying where chip is if possible.

Almost Semantic sugar for get_machine().where_is_chip()

The method does not raise an exception rather returns a String of the exception


This method will never request a new machine. Therefore a call to this method will not trigger a hard reset

Return type:


classmethod where_is_xy(x, y)[source]

Gets a string saying where chip at x and y is if possible.

Almost Semantic sugar for get_machine().where_is_xy()

The method does not raise an exception rather returns a String of the exception


This method will never request a new machine. Therefore a call to this method will not trigger a hard reset

Return type:
