spinn_front_end_common.utility_models package

Module contents

class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.CommandSender(label)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.abstract.abstract_one_app_one_machine_vertex.AbstractOneAppOneMachineVertex

A utility for sending commands to a vertex (possibly an external device) at fixed times in the simulation or in response to simulation events (e.g., starting and stopping).

Parameters:label (str) – The label of this vertex
add_commands(start_resume_commands, pause_stop_commands, timed_commands, vertex_to_send_to)[source]

Add commands to be sent down a given edge.

  • start_resume_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – The commands to send when the simulation starts or resumes from pause
  • pause_stop_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – The commands to send when the simulation stops or pauses after running
  • timed_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – The commands to send at specific times
  • vertex_to_send_to (AbstractVertex) – The vertex these commands are to be sent to

Construct application edges from this vertex to the app vertices that this vertex knows how to target (and has keys allocated for).

Returns:edges, partition IDs
Return type:tuple(list(ApplicationEdge), list(str))

Get a fixed key and mask for the application vertex or None if not fixed (the default). See get_machine_gixed_key_and_mask() for the conditions.

Parameters:partition_id (str) – The identifier of the partition to get the key for
Return type:BaseKeyAndMask or None
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.CommandSenderMachineVertex(label, app_vertex=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.provides_provenance_data_from_machine_impl.ProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachineImpl, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification

Machine vertex for injecting packets at particular times or in response to particular events into a SpiNNaker application.

BINARY_FILE_NAME = 'command_sender_multicast_source.aplx'
class DATA_REGIONS[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

add_commands(start_resume_commands, pause_stop_commands, timed_commands, vertex_to_send_to)[source]

Add commands to be sent down a given edge.

  • start_resume_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – The commands to send when the simulation starts or resumes from pause
  • pause_stop_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – the commands to send when the simulation stops or pauses after running
  • timed_commands (iterable(MultiCastCommand)) – The commands to send at specific times
  • vertex_to_send_to (AbstractVertex) – The vertex these commands are to be sent to

Construct machine edges from this vertex to the machine vertices that this vertex knows how to target (and has keys allocated for).

Returns:edges, partition IDs
Return type:tuple(list(MachineEdge), list(str))
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType
get_edges_and_partitions(pre_vertex, vertex_type, edge_type)[source]

Construct edges from this vertex to the vertices that this vertex knows how to target (and has keys allocated for).


Do not call this directly from outside either a CommandSender or a CommandSenderMachineVertex.


edges, partition IDs

Return type:

tuple(list(AbstractEdge), list(str))


Get the key and mask for the given partition.

Parameters:partition_id (str) – The partition to get the key for
Return type:BaseKeyAndMask
classmethod get_n_command_bytes(commands)[source]
Parameters:commands (list(MultiCastCommand)) –
Return type:int
Return type:int
parse_extra_provenance_items(label, x, y, p, provenance_data)[source]

Convert the remaining provenance words (those not in the standard set) into provenance items.

Called by get_provenance_data_from_machine()

  • label (str) – A descriptive label for the vertex (derived from label and placed position) to be used for provenance error reporting to the user.
  • x (int) – x coordinate of the chip where this core
  • y (int) – y coordinate of the core where this core
  • p (int) – virtual id of the core
  • provenance_data (list(int)) – The list of words of raw provenance data.

The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.ChipPowerMonitorMachineVertex(label, sampling_frequency)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_models.abstract_receive_buffers_to_host.AbstractReceiveBuffersToHost

Machine vertex for C code representing functionality to record idle times in a machine graph.


This is an unusual machine vertex, in that it has no associated application vertex.

  • label (str) – vertex label
  • sampling_frequency (int) – how often to sample, in microseconds
static binary_file_name()[source]

Get the filename of the binary.

Return type:str
static binary_start_type()[source]

The type of binary that implements this vertex.

Returns:starttype enum
Return type:ExecutableType
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType

Get data from SDRAM given placement and buffer manager. Also arranges for provenance data to be available.

Parameters:placement (Placement) – the location on machine to get data from
Returns:results, an array with 1 dimension of uint32 values
Return type:ndarray

Get the recording region IDs that have been recorded using buffering.

Returns:The region numbers that have active recording
Return type:iterable(int)

Get the recording region base address.

Parameters:placement (Placement) – the placement object of the core to find the address of
Returns:the base address of the recording region
Return type:int
static get_resources(sampling_frequency)[source]

Get the resources used by this vertex.

Parameters:sampling_frequency (float) –
Return type:VariableSDRAM

How often to sample, in microseconds.

Return type:int

The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex(x, y, ip_address)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.abstract_provides_provenance_data_from_machine.AbstractProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachine

Machine vertex for handling fast data transfer between host and SpiNNaker. This machine vertex is only ever placed on chips with a working Ethernet connection; it collaborates with the ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex to write data on other chips.


This is an unusual machine vertex, in that it has no associated application vertex.

  • x (int) – Where this gatherer is.
  • y (int) – Where this gatherer is.
  • ip_address (str) – How to talk directly to the chip where the gatherer is.
BASE_KEY = 4294967289

base key (really nasty hack to tie in fixed route keys)

BASE_MASK = 4294967291

to use with multicast stuff (reinjection acks have to be fixed route)

END_FLAG_KEY = 4294967286
FIRST_DATA_KEY = 4294967287
IN_REPORT_NAME = 'speeds_gained_in_speed_up_process.rpt'

report name for tracking performance gains

NEW_SEQ_KEY = 4294967288
OUT_REPORT_NAME = 'routers_used_in_speed_up_process.rpt'

report name for tracking used routers


Deduce the max sequence number expected to be received.

Returns:the biggest sequence num expected
Return type:int

Clears the queues for reinjection.

Parameters:placements (Placements) – the placements object
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType
get_data(extra_monitor, placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes)[source]

Gets data from a given core and memory address.

  • extra_monitor (ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex) – the extra monitor used for this data
  • placement (Placement) – placement object for where to get data from
  • memory_address (int) – the address in SDRAM to start reading from
  • length_in_bytes (int) – the length of data to read in bytes

byte array of the data

Return type:



Get an iterable of provenance data items.

Parameters:placement (Placement) – the placement of the object
Return type:iterable

The IPtags used by this vertex if any.

Return type:iterable(IPtagResource)
static load_application_routing_tables()[source]

Set all chips to have application table loaded in the router.

static load_system_routing_tables()[source]

Set all chips to have the system table loaded in the router.

static locate_correct_write_data_function_for_chip_location(uses_advanced_monitors, x, y, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores_to_ethernet_connection_map)[source]

Supports other components figuring out which gatherer and function to call for writing data onto SpiNNaker.

  • uses_advanced_monitors (bool) – Whether the system is using advanced monitors
  • x (int) – the chip x coordinate to write data to
  • y (int) – the chip y coordinate to write data to
  • transceiver (Transceiver) – the SpiNNMan instance
  • extra_monitor_cores_to_ethernet_connection_map (dict(tuple(int,int), DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex)) – mapping between cores and connections

a write function of either a LPG or the spinnMan

Return type:



The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM
send_data_into_spinnaker(x, y, base_address, data, n_bytes=None, offset=0, cpu=0, is_filename=False)[source]

Sends a block of data into SpiNNaker to a given chip.

  • x (int) – chip x for data
  • y (int) – chip y for data
  • base_address (int) – the address in SDRAM to start writing memory
  • data (bytes or bytearray or memoryview or str) – the data to write (or filename to load data from, if is_filename is True; that’s the only time this is a str)
  • n_bytes (int) – how many bytes to read, or None if not set
  • offset (int) – where in the data to start from
  • cpu (int) –
  • is_filename (bool) – whether data is actually a file.

Helper method for setting the router timeouts to a state usable for data streaming.


Set the wait1 field for a set of routers.


Set the wait2 field for a set of routers.

Parameters:timeout (tuple(int,int)) –

Helper method for restoring the router timeouts to normal after being in a state usable for data streaming.


Looks up from the machine what the current transaction ID is and updates the data speed up gatherer.

class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex(reinject_point_to_point=False, reinject_nearest_neighbour=False, reinject_fixed_route=False)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.abstract_provides_provenance_data_from_machine.AbstractProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachine

Machine vertex for talking to extra monitor cores. Supports reinjection control and the faster data transfer protocols.

Usually deployed once per chip.


This is an unusual machine vertex, in that it has no associated application vertex.

  • reinject_point_to_point (bool) – if we reinject point-to-point packets
  • reinject_nearest_neighbour (bool) – if we reinject nearest-neighbour packets
  • reinject_fixed_route (bool) – if we reinject fixed route packets

Clears the queues for reinjection.

Parameters:extra_monitor_cores_to_set (iterable(ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex)) – Which extra monitors need to clear their queues.
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType

Get an iterable of provenance data items.

Parameters:placement (Placement) – the placement of the object
Return type:iterable

Get the reinjection status from this extra monitor vertex.

Returns:the reinjection status for this vertex
Return type:ReInjectionStatus

Get the reinjection status from a set of extra monitor cores.

Return type:dict(tuple(int,int), ReInjectionStatus)

Get the extra monitor cores to load up the application-based multicast routes (used by the Data In protocol).


Get the extra monitor cores to load up the system-based multicast routes (used by the Data In protocol).

Parameters:transceiver (Transceiver) – the spinnMan interface
Return type:Placement
Return type:bool
Return type:bool
Return type:bool
Return type:bool

Resets the counters for reinjection.


The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM
set_reinjection_packets(point_to_point=None, multicast=None, nearest_neighbour=None, fixed_route=None)[source]
  • point_to_point (bool or None) – If point to point should be set, or None if left as before
  • multicast (bool or None) – If multicast should be set, or None if left as before
  • nearest_neighbour (bool or None) – If nearest neighbour should be set, or None if left as before
  • fixed_route (bool or None) – If fixed route should be set, or None if left as before.
set_router_wait1_timeout(timeout, extra_monitor_cores_to_set)[source]

Supports setting of the router time outs for a set of chips via their extra monitor cores. This sets the timeout for the time between when a packet arrives and when it starts to be emergency routed. (Actual emergency routing is disabled by default.)

  • timeout (tuple(int,int)) – The mantissa and exponent of the timeout value, each between 0 and 15
  • extra_monitor_cores_to_set (iterable(ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex)) – which monitors control the routers to set the timeout of
set_router_wait2_timeout(timeout, extra_monitor_cores_to_set)[source]

Supports setting of the router time outs for a set of chips via their extra monitor cores. This sets the timeout for the time between when a packet starts to be emergency routed and when it is dropped. (Actual emergency routing is disabled by default.)

  • timeout (tuple(int,int)) – The mantissa and exponent of the timeout value, each between 0 and 15
  • extra_monitor_cores_to_set (iterable(ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex)) – which monitors control the routers to set the timeout of
static static_get_binary_file_name()[source]

The name of the binary implementing this vertex.

Return type:str
static static_get_binary_start_type()[source]

The type of the binary implementing this vertex.

Return type:ExecutableType

Looks up from the machine what the current transaction id is and updates the extra monitor.

class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.LivePacketGather(params, label=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex

A vertex that gathers and forwards multicast packets to the host.


The number of atoms in the vertex.

Return type:int
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.LivePacketGatherMachineVertex(lpg_params, app_vertex=None, label=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.provides_provenance_data_from_machine_impl.ProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachineImpl, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary

Used to gather multicast packets coming from cores and stream them out to a receiving application on host. Only ever deployed on chips with a working Ethernet connection.


Used to identify tags involved with the live packet gatherer.

add_incoming_source(m_vertex, partition_id)[source]

Add a machine vertex source incoming into this gatherer.

  • m_vertex (MachineVertex) – The source machine vertex
  • partition_id (str) – The incoming partition id
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType
classmethod get_sdram_usage()[source]

Get the SDRAM used by this vertex.

Return type:int

The IPtags used by this vertex if any.

Return type:iterable(IPtagResource)
parse_extra_provenance_items(label, x, y, p, provenance_data)[source]

Convert the remaining provenance words (those not in the standard set) into provenance items.

Called by get_provenance_data_from_machine()

  • label (str) – A descriptive label for the vertex (derived from label and placed position) to be used for provenance error reporting to the user.
  • x (int) – x coordinate of the chip where this core
  • y (int) – y coordinate of the core where this core
  • p (int) – virtual id of the core
  • provenance_data (list(int)) – The list of words of raw provenance data.

The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand(key, payload=None, time=None, repeat=0, delay_between_repeats=0)[source]

Bases: object

A command to be sent to a vertex.

  • key (int) – The key of the command
  • payload (int or None) – The payload of the command
  • time (int or None) – The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or None if this is not a timed command
  • repeat (int) – The number of times that the command should be repeated after sending it once. This could be used to ensure that the command is sent despite lost packets. Must be between 0 and 65535
  • delay_between_repeats (int) – The amount of time in microseconds to wait between sending repeats of the same command. Must be between 0 and 65535, and must be 0 if repeat is 0

ConfigurationException – If the repeat or delay are out of range

Return type:int

Whether this command has a payload. By default, this returns True if the payload passed in to the constructor is not None, but this can be overridden to indicate that a payload will be generated, despite None being passed to the constructor

Return type:bool

Whether this command is a timed command.

Return type:bool
Return type:int

The payload of the command, or None if there is no payload.

Return type:int or None
Return type:int

The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or None if this is not a timed command.

Return type:int or None
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.ReverseIpTagMultiCastSource(n_keys, label=None, max_atoms_per_core=9223372036854775807, receive_port=None, receive_sdp_port=1, receive_tag=None, receive_rate=10, virtual_key=None, prefix=None, prefix_type=None, check_keys=False, send_buffer_times=None, send_buffer_partition_id=None, reserve_reverse_ip_tag=False, injection_partition_id=None, splitter=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex.ApplicationVertex, pacman.model.partitioner_interfaces.legacy_partitioner_api.LegacyPartitionerAPI

A model which will allow events to be injected into a SpiNNaker machine and converted into multicast packets.

  • n_keys (int) – The number of keys to be sent via this multicast source
  • label (str) – The label of this vertex
  • max_atoms_per_core (int) –
  • board_address (str or None) – The IP address of the board on which to place this vertex if receiving data, either buffered or live (by default, any board is chosen)
  • receive_port (int or None) – The port on the board that will listen for incoming event packets (default is to disable this feature; set a value to enable it)
  • receive_sdp_port (int) – The SDP port to listen on for incoming event packets (defaults to 1)
  • receive_tag (IPTag) – The IP tag to use for receiving live events (uses any by default)
  • receive_rate (float) – The estimated rate of packets that will be sent by this source
  • virtual_key (int) – The base multicast key to send received events with (assigned automatically by default)
  • prefix (int) – The prefix to “or” with generated multicast keys (default is no prefix)
  • prefix_type (EIEIOPrefix) – Whether the prefix should apply to the upper or lower half of the multicast keys (default is upper half)
  • check_keys (bool) – True if the keys of received events should be verified before sending (default False)
  • send_buffer_times (ndarray(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or list(ndarray(int32)) or None) – An array of arrays of times at which keys should be sent (one array for each key, default disabled)
  • send_buffer_partition_id (str or None) – The ID of the partition containing the edges down which the events are to be sent
  • reserve_reverse_ip_tag (bool) – Extra flag for input without a reserved port
  • injection_partition (str) – If not None, will enable injection and specify the partition to send injected keys with
  • splitter (None or AbstractSplitterCommon) – the splitter object needed for this vertex
create_machine_vertex(vertex_slice, sdram, label=None)[source]

Create a machine vertex from this application vertex.

  • vertex_slice (Slice) – The slice of atoms that the machine vertex will cover.
  • sdram (AbstractSDRAM) – The SDRAM used by the machine vertex.
  • label (str or None) – human readable label for the machine vertex

The created machine vertex

Return type:



Get a fixed key and mask for the application vertex or None if not fixed (the default). See get_machine_gixed_key_and_mask() for the conditions.

Parameters:partition_id (str) – The identifier of the partition to get the key for
Return type:BaseKeyAndMask or None

Get the separate SDRAM requirements for a range of atoms.

Parameters:vertex_slice (Slice) – the low value of atoms to calculate resources from
Return type:AbstractSDRAM

The number of atoms in the vertex.

Return type:int

When messages will be sent.

Return type:ndarray(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or list(ndarray(int32)) or None
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.ReverseIPTagMulticastSourceMachineVertex(label, vertex_slice=None, app_vertex=None, n_keys=None, receive_port=None, receive_sdp_port=1, receive_tag=None, receive_rate=10, virtual_key=None, prefix=None, prefix_type=None, check_keys=False, send_buffer_times=None, send_buffer_partition_id=None, reserve_reverse_ip_tag=False, injection_partition_id=None)[source]

Bases: pacman.model.graphs.machine.machine_vertex.MachineVertex, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_generates_data_specification.AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_has_associated_binary.AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.abstract_supports_database_injection.AbstractSupportsDatabaseInjection, spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.provides_provenance_data_from_machine_impl.ProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachineImpl, spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_models.sends_buffers_from_host_pre_buffered_impl.SendsBuffersFromHostPreBufferedImpl, spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_models.abstract_receive_buffers_to_host.AbstractReceiveBuffersToHost

A model which allows events to be injected into SpiNNaker and converted in to multicast packets.

  • label (str) – The label of this vertex
  • vertex_slice (Slice or None) – The slice served via this multicast source
  • app_vertex (ReverseIpTagMultiCastSource or None) – The associated application vertex
  • n_keys (int) – The number of keys to be sent via this mulitcast source (can’t be None if vertex_slice is also None)
  • board_address (str) – The IP address of the board on which to place this vertex if receiving data, either buffered or live (by default, any board is chosen)
  • receive_port (int) – The port on the board that will listen for incoming event packets (default is to disable this feature; set a value to enable it, or set the reserve_reverse_ip_tag parameter to True if a random port is to be used)
  • receive_sdp_port (int) – The SDP port to listen on for incoming event packets (defaults to 1)
  • receive_tag (int) – The IP tag to use for receiving live events (uses any by default)
  • receive_rate (float) –
  • virtual_key (int) – The base multicast key to send received events with (assigned automatically by default)
  • prefix (int) – The prefix to “or” with generated multicast keys (default is no prefix)
  • prefix_type (EIEIOPrefix) – Whether the prefix should apply to the upper or lower half of the multicast keys (default is upper half)
  • check_keys (bool) – True if the keys of received events should be verified before sending (default False)
  • send_buffer_times (ndarray) – An array of arrays of time steps at which keys should be sent (one array for each key, default disabled)
  • send_buffer_partition_id (str) – The ID of the partition containing the edges down which the events are to be sent
  • reserve_reverse_ip_tag (bool) – True if the source should set up a tag through which it can receive packets; if port is set to None this can be used to enable the reception of packets on a randomly assigned port, which can be read from the database
  • injection_partition (str) – If not None, will enable injection and specify the partition to send injected keys with

Return True if the input of this vertex is to be buffered.

Return type:bool
static calculate_mask(n_neurons)[source]
Parameters:n_neurons (int) –
Return type:int

Enable recording of the keys sent.

Parameters:new_state (bool) –
generate_data_specification(spec, placement)[source]

Generate a data specification.


Get the binary name to be run for this vertex.

Return type:str

Get the start type of the binary to be run.

Return type:ExecutableType

Get the recording region IDs that have been recorded using buffering.

Returns:The region numbers that have active recording
Return type:iterable(int)

Get the recording region base address.

Parameters:placement (Placement) – the placement object of the core to find the address of
Returns:the base address of the recording region
Return type:int
Parameters:region (int) – Region ID
Returns:Size of buffer, in bytes.
Return type:int

Get the set of regions for which there are keys to be sent.

Returns:Iterable of region IDs
Return type:iterable(int)
classmethod get_sdram_usage(send_buffer_times, recording_enabled, receive_rate, n_keys)[source]
  • send_buffer_times (ndarray(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or list(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or None) – When events will be sent
  • recording_enabled (bool) – Whether recording is done
  • receive_rate (float) – What the expected message receive rate is
  • n_keys (int) – How many keys are being sent
Return type:



Updates and returns the virtual key. None is give a zero value

Return type:int or None

The partition that packets are being injected with.

Return type:str

Whether this vertex is actually in injection mode.

Return type:bool
Return type:int or None
parse_extra_provenance_items(label, x, y, p, provenance_data)[source]

Convert the remaining provenance words (those not in the standard set) into provenance items.

Called by get_provenance_data_from_machine()

  • label (str) – A descriptive label for the vertex (derived from label and placed position) to be used for provenance error reporting to the user.
  • x (int) – x coordinate of the chip where this core
  • y (int) – y coordinate of the core where this core
  • p (int) – virtual id of the core
  • provenance_data (list(int)) – The list of words of raw provenance data.

The reverse IPtags used by this vertex if any.

Return type:iterable(ReverseIPtagResource)

Rewinds the internal buffer in preparation of re-sending the spikes.

Parameters:region (int) – The region to rewind

The SDRAM space required by the vertex.

Return type:AbstractSDRAM

When events will be sent.

Return type:ndarray(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or list(ndarray(numpy.int32)) or None
Return type:dict(int,BufferedSendingRegion)
class spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.StreamingContextManager(gatherers)[source]

Bases: object

The implementation of the context manager object for streaming configuration control.

Parameters:gatherers (iterable(DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex)) –