Source code for spinnman.get_cores_in_run_state

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This is a script used to check the state of a SpiNNaker machine.

import sys
import argparse
from spinnman.transceiver import create_transceiver_from_hostname
from spinn_machine import CoreSubsets, CoreSubset
from spinnman.model.enums import CPUState


[docs]def get_cores_in_run_state(txrx, app_id, print_all_chips): """ :param Transceiver txrx: :param int app_id: :param bool print_all_chips: """ count_finished = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.FINISHED) count_run = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUNNING) print(f'running: {count_run} finished: {count_finished}') machine = txrx.get_machine_details() print(f'machine width: {machine.width} height: {machine.height}') if print_all_chips: print(f'machine chips: {list(machine.chips)}') all_cores = [] for chip in machine.chips: all_cores.append(CoreSubset(chip.x, chip.y, range(1, 17))) all_cores = CoreSubsets(core_subsets=all_cores) cores_finished = txrx.get_cores_in_state(all_cores, CPUState.FINISHED) cores_running = txrx.get_cores_in_state(all_cores, CPUState.RUNNING) cores_watchdog = txrx.get_cores_in_state(all_cores, CPUState.WATCHDOG) for (x, y, p), _ in cores_running: if p not in IGNORED_IDS: print(f'run core: {x} {y} {p}') for (x, y, p), _ in cores_finished: print(f'finished core: {x} {y} {p}') for (x, y, p), _ in cores_watchdog: print(f'watchdog core: {x} {y} {p}')
def _make_transceiver(host, version, bmp_names): """ :param host: Most to use or `None` to use test config for all params :type host: str or None :param version: Board version to use (`None` defaults to 5 unless host is (spin 3) :type version: int or None :param bmp: bmp connection or `None` to auto detect (if applicable) :type bmp: str or None :rtype: Transceiver """ if host is None: try: from board_test_configuration import BoardTestConfiguration config = BoardTestConfiguration() except ImportError: print("cannot read board test configuration") sys.exit(1) config.set_up_remote_board() host = config.remotehost version = config.board_version bmp_names = config.bmp_names auto_detect_bmp = config.auto_detect_bmp else: if version is None: if host == "": version = 3 else: version = 5 auto_detect_bmp = False print(f"talking to SpiNNaker system at {host}") return create_transceiver_from_hostname( host, version, bmp_connection_data=bmp_names, auto_detect_bmp=auto_detect_bmp)
[docs]def main(args): """ Runs the script. """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check the state of a SpiNNaker machine.") ap.add_argument( "-a", "--appid", help="the application ID to check", type=int, default=17) ap.add_argument( "-v", "--version", help="the version of your boards", type=int, default=None) ap.add_argument( "-b", "--bmp_names", help="the hostname or IP address of the BMP of the SpiNNaker machine " "to inspects", type=str, default=None) ap.add_argument( "-n", "--noprintchips", action="store_true", default=False, help=("don't print all the chips out; avoids a great deal of " "output for large machines")) ap.add_argument( "host", default=None, nargs='?', help="the hostname or IP address of the SpiNNaker machine to inspect") args = ap.parse_args(args) # These ought to be parsed from command line arguments app_id = args.appid print_chips = not args.noprintchips transceiver = _make_transceiver(, args.version, args.bmp_names) try: get_cores_in_run_state(transceiver, app_id, print_chips) finally: transceiver.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main(sys.argv[1:])