Source code for spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections.scamp_connection

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import struct
from spinnman.constants import SCP_SCAMP_PORT
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums import SCPResult
from .sdp_connection import SDPConnection
from .utils import update_sdp_header_for_udp_send
from spinnman.connections.abstract_classes import AbstractSCPConnection
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides

_TWO_SHORTS = struct.Struct("<2H")
_TWO_SKIP = struct.Struct("<2x")

[docs]class SCAMPConnection(SDPConnection, AbstractSCPConnection): """ A UDP connection to SCAMP on the board. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__( self, chip_x=255, chip_y=255, local_host=None, local_port=None, remote_host=None, remote_port=None): """ :param int chip_x: The x-coordinate of the chip on the board with this remote_host :param int chip_y: The y-coordinate of the chip on the board with this remote_host :param str local_host: The optional IP address or host name of the local interface to listen on :param int local_port: The optional local port to listen on :param str remote_host: The optional remote host name or IP address to send messages to. If not specified, sending will not be possible using this connection :param int remote_port: The optional remote port number to send messages to. If not specified, sending will not be possible using this connection """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments if remote_port is None: remote_port = SCP_SCAMP_PORT super().__init__( chip_x, chip_y, local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port) @property @overrides(AbstractSCPConnection.chip_x) def chip_x(self): return self._chip_x @property @overrides(AbstractSCPConnection.chip_y) def chip_y(self): return self._chip_y
[docs] def update_chip_coordinates(self, x, y): self._chip_x = x self._chip_y = y
[docs] @overrides(AbstractSCPConnection.get_scp_data, additional_arguments=['x', 'y'], extend_defaults=True) def get_scp_data(self, scp_request, x=None, y=None): """ :param int x: Optional: x-coordinate of where to send to :param int y: Optional: y-coordinate of where to send to """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if x is None: x = self._chip_x if y is None: y = self._chip_y update_sdp_header_for_udp_send(scp_request.sdp_header, x, y) return _TWO_SKIP.pack() + scp_request.bytestring
[docs] @overrides(AbstractSCPConnection.receive_scp_response) def receive_scp_response(self, timeout=1.0): data = self.receive(timeout) result, sequence = _TWO_SHORTS.unpack_from(data, 10) return SCPResult(result), sequence, data, 2
[docs] def receive_scp_response_with_address(self, timeout=1.0): data, (addr, port) = self.receive_with_address(timeout) result, sequence = _TWO_SHORTS.unpack_from(data, 10) return SCPResult(result), sequence, data, 2, addr, port
[docs] @overrides(AbstractSCPConnection.send_scp_request) def send_scp_request(self, scp_request): self.send(self.get_scp_data(scp_request))
[docs] def send_scp_request_to(self, scp_request, x, y, ip_address): self.send_to( self.get_scp_data(scp_request, x, y), (str(ip_address), SCP_SCAMP_PORT))
def __repr__(self): return ( f"SCAMPConnection(chip_x={self._chip_x}, chip_y={self._chip_y}, " f"local_host={self.local_ip_address}, local_port={self.local_port}" f", remote_host={self.remote_ip_address}, " f"remote_port={self.remote_port})")