Source code for spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections.eieio_connection

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import struct
from .udp_connection import UDPConnection
from spinnman.connections.abstract_classes import Listenable
from spinnman.messages.eieio import (
    read_eieio_command_message, read_eieio_data_message)
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides

_ONE_SHORT = struct.Struct("<H")
_REPR_TEMPLATE = "EIEIOConnection(local_host={}, local_port={},"\
    "remote_host={}, remote_port={})"

[docs]class EIEIOConnection(UDPConnection, Listenable): """ A UDP connection for sending and receiving raw EIEIO messages. """ __slots__ = []
[docs] def receive_eieio_message(self, timeout=None): """ Receives an EIEIO message from this connection. Blocks until a message has been received, or a timeout occurs. :param int timeout: The time in seconds to wait for the message to arrive; if not specified, will wait forever, or until the connection is closed :return: an EIEIO message :rtype: AbstractEIEIOMessage :raise SpinnmanIOException: If there is an error receiving the message. :raise SpinnmanTimeoutException: If there is a timeout before a message is received. :raise SpinnmanInvalidPacketException: If the received packet is not a valid EIEIO message. :raise SpinnmanInvalidParameterException: If one of the fields of the EIEIO message is invalid. """ data = self.receive(timeout) header = _ONE_SHORT.unpack_from(data)[0] if header & 0xC000 == 0x4000: return read_eieio_command_message(data, 0) return read_eieio_data_message(data, 0)
[docs] def send_eieio_message(self, eieio_message): """ Sends an EIEIO message down this connection. :param AbstractEIEIOMessage eieio_message: The EIEIO message to be sent :raise SpinnmanIOException: If there is an error sending the message """ self.send(eieio_message.bytestring)
[docs] def send_eieio_message_to(self, eieio_message, ip_address, port): self.send_to(eieio_message.bytestring, (ip_address, port))
[docs] @overrides(Listenable.get_receive_method) def get_receive_method(self): return self.receive_eieio_message
def __repr__(self): return _REPR_TEMPLATE.format( self.local_ip_address, self.local_port, self.remote_ip_address, self.remote_port)