Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.global_provenance

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.sqlite_db import SQLiteDB

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

_DDL_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "global.sql")
_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+)([_,:])(\d+)(?:\2(\d+))?")

[docs]class GlobalProvenance(SQLiteDB): """ Specific implementation of the Database for SQLite 3. .. note:: *Not thread safe on the same database file.* Threads can access different DBs just fine. .. note:: This totally relies on the way SQLite's type affinities function. You can't port to a different database engine without a lot of work. """ __slots__ = [ "_database_file" ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_global_provenace_path(cls): """ Get the path of the current provenance database of the last run .. warning:: Calling this method between start/reset and run may result in a path to a database not yet created. :raises ValueError: if the system is in a state where path can't be retrieved, for example before run is called """ return os.path.join( FecDataView.get_timestamp_dir_path(), "global_provenance.sqlite3")
def __init__(self, database_file=None, memory=False): """ :param database_file: The name of a file that contains (or will contain) an SQLite database holding the data. If omitted, either the default file path or an unshared in-memory database will be used (suitable only for testing). :type database_file: str or None :param bool memory: Flag to say unshared in-memory can be used. Otherwise a `None` file will mean the default should be used """ if database_file is None and not memory: database_file = self.get_global_provenace_path() self._database_file = database_file SQLiteDB.__init__(self, database_file, ddl_file=_DDL_FILE, row_factory=None, text_factory=None)
[docs] def insert_version(self, description, the_value): """ Inserts data into the version_provenance table :param str description: The package for which the version applies :param str the_value: The version to be recorded """ with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO version_provenance( description, the_value) VALUES(?, ?) """, [description, the_value])
[docs] def insert_category(self, category, machine_on): """ Inserts category into the category_timer_provenance returning id :param TimerCategory category: Name of Category starting :param bool machine_on: If the machine was done during all or some of the time """ with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO category_timer_provenance( category, machine_on, n_run, n_loop) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) """, [category.category_name, machine_on, FecDataView.get_run_number(), FecDataView.get_run_step()]) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def insert_category_timing(self, category_id, timedelta): """ Inserts run time into the category :param int category_id: id of the Category finished :param ~datetime.timedelta timedelta: Time to be recorded """ time_taken = ( (timedelta.seconds * MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION) + (timedelta.microseconds / MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION)) with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( """ UPDATE category_timer_provenance SET time_taken = ? WHERE category_id = ? """, (time_taken, category_id))
[docs] def insert_timing( self, category, algorithm, work, timedelta, skip_reason): """ Inserts algorithms run times into the timer_provenance table :param int category: Category Id of the Algorithm :param str algorithm: Algorithm name :param TimerWork work: Type of work being done :param ~datetime.timedelta timedelta: Time to be recorded :param skip_reason: The reason the algorithm was skipped or `None` if it was not skipped :type skip_reason: str or None """ time_taken = ( (timedelta.seconds * MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION) + (timedelta.microseconds / MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION)) with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO timer_provenance( category_id, algorithm, work, time_taken, skip_reason) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, [category, algorithm, work.work_name, time_taken, skip_reason])
[docs] def store_log(self, level, message, timestamp=None): """ Stores log messages into the database :param int level: :param str message: """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO p_log_provenance( timestamp, level, message) VALUES(?, ?, ?) """, [timestamp, level, message])
def _test_log_locked(self, text): """ THIS IS A TESTING METHOD. This will lock the database and then try to do a log """ with self.transaction() as cur: # lock the database cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO version_provenance( description, the_value) VALUES("foo", "bar") """) # try logging and storing while locked. logger.warning(text)
[docs] def run_query(self, query, params=()): """ Opens a connection to the database, runs a query, extracts the results and closes the connection The return type depends on the use_sqlite_rows param. By default this method returns tuples (lookup by index) but the advanced tuple type can be used instead, which supports lookup by name used in the query (use ``AS name`` in the query to set). This method will not allow queries that change the database unless the read_only flag is set to False. .. note:: This method is mainly provided as a support method for the later methods that return specific data. For new IntergationTests please add a specific method rather than call this directly. :param str query: The SQL query to be run. May include ``?`` wildcards :param or int) params: The values to replace the ``?`` wildcards with. The number and types must match what the query expects :param bool read_only: see :py:meth:`get_database_handle` :param bool use_sqlite_rows: see :py:meth:`get_database_handle` :return: A list possibly empty of tuples/rows (one for each row in the database) where the number and type of the values corresponds to the where statement :rtype: list(tuple or ~sqlite3.Row) """ results = [] with self.transaction() as cur: for row in cur.execute(query, params): results.append(row) return results
[docs] def get_timer_provenance(self, algorithm): """ Gets the timer provenance item(s) from the last run :param str algorithm: The value to LIKE search for in the algorithm column. Can be the full name, or have ``%`` and ``_`` wildcards. :return: A possibly multiline string with for each row which matches the like a line ``algorithm: value`` :rtype: str """ query = """ SELECT algorithm, time_taken FROM timer_provenance WHERE algorithm LIKE ? """ return "\n".join( f"{row[0]}: {row[1]}" for row in self.run_query(query, [algorithm]))
[docs] def get_run_times(self): """ Gets the algorithm running times from the last run. If an algorithm is invoked multiple times in the run, its times are summed. :return: A possibly multiline string with for each row which matches the like a line ``description_name: time``. The times are in seconds. :rtype: str """ # We know the database actually stores microseconds for durations query = """ SELECT description, SUM(time_taken) / 1000000.0 FROM timer_provenance GROUP BY description ORDER BY the_value """ return "\n".join( f"{row[0].replace('_', ' ')}: {row[1]} s" for row in self.run_query(query))
[docs] def get_run_time_of_BufferExtractor(self): """ Gets the BufferExtractor provenance item(s) from the last run :return: A possibly multiline string with for each row which matches the like %BufferExtractor description_name: value :rtype: str """ return self.get_timer_provenance("%BufferExtractor")
[docs] def get_category_timer_sum(self, category): """ Get the total runtime for one category of algorithms :param TimerCategory category: :return: total off all runtimes with this category :rtype: int """ query = """ SELECT sum(time_taken) FROM category_timer_provenance WHERE category = ? """ data = self.run_query(query, [category.category_name]) try: info = data[0][0] if info is None: return 0 return info except IndexError: return 0
[docs] def get_category_timer_sums(self, category): """ Get the runtime for one category of algorithms split machine on, machine off :param TimerCategory category: :return: total on and off time of instances with this category :rtype: int """ on = 0 off = 0 query = """ SELECT sum(time_taken), machine_on FROM category_timer_provenance WHERE category = ? GROUP BY machine_on """ try: for data in self.run_query(query, [category.category_name]): if data[1]: on = data[0] else: off = data[0] except IndexError: pass return on, off
[docs] def get_timer_sum_by_category(self, category): """ Get the total runtime for one category of algorithms :param TimerCategory category: :return: total off all runtimes with this category :rtype: int """ query = """ SELECT sum(time_taken) FROM full_timer_view WHERE category = ? """ data = self.run_query(query, [category.category_name]) try: info = data[0][0] if info is None: return 0 return info except IndexError: return 0
[docs] def get_timer_sum_by_work(self, work): """ Get the total runtime for one work type of algorithms :param TimerWork work: :return: total off all runtimes with this category :rtype: int """ query = """ SELECT sum(time_taken) FROM full_timer_view WHERE work = ? """ data = self.run_query(query, [work.work_name]) try: info = data[0][0] if info is None: return 0 return info except IndexError: return 0
[docs] def get_timer_sum_by_algorithm(self, algorithm): """ Get the total runtime for one algorithm :param str algorithm: :return: total off all runtimes with this algorithm :rtype: int """ query = """ SELECT sum(time_taken) FROM timer_provenance WHERE algorithm = ? """ data = self.run_query(query, [algorithm]) try: info = data[0][0] if info is None: return 0 return info except IndexError: return 0
[docs] def retreive_log_messages(self, min_level=0): """ Retrieves all log messages at or above the min_level :param int min_level: :rtype: list(tuple(int, str)) """ query = """ SELECT message FROM p_log_provenance WHERE level >= ? """ messages = self.run_query(query, [min_level]) return list(map(lambda x: x[0], messages))