Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance.fec_timer

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import (get_config_bool)
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from import FecDataView
from .global_provenance import GlobalProvenance

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
    # acquire the most accurate measurement available (perf_counter_ns)
    _now = time.perf_counter_ns  # pylint: disable=no-member
    # conversion factor
    _NANO_TO_MICRO = 1000.0

    def _convert_to_timedelta(time_diff):
        Have to convert to a timedelta for rest of code to read.

        As perf_counter_ns is nano seconds, and time delta lowest is micro,
        need to convert.
        return timedelta(microseconds=time_diff / _NANO_TO_MICRO)

    # acquire the most accurate measurement available (perf_counter)
    _now = time.perf_counter  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def _convert_to_timedelta(time_diff):
        Have to convert to a timedelta for rest of code to read.

        As perf_counter is fractional seconds, put into correct time delta.
        return timedelta(seconds=time_diff)

[docs]class FecTimer(object): _simulator = None _provenance_path = None _print_timings = False _category_id = None _category = None _category_time = None _machine_on = False _previous = [] __slots__ = [ # The start time when the timer was set off "_start_time", # Name of algorithm what is being timed "_algorithm", # Type of work being done "_work" ] # Algorithm Names used elsewhere APPLICATION_RUNNER = "Application runner"
[docs] @classmethod def setup(cls, simulator): # pylint: disable=global-statement, protected-access cls._simulator = simulator if get_config_bool("Reports", "write_algorithm_timings"): cls._provenance_path = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), "algorithm_timings.rpt") else: cls._provenance_path = None cls._print_timings = get_config_bool( "Reports", "display_algorithm_timings")
def __init__(self, algorithm, work): self._start_time = None self._algorithm = algorithm self._work = work def __enter__(self): self._start_time = _now() return self def _report(self, message): if self._provenance_path is not None: with open(self._provenance_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") as p_file: p_file.write(f"{message}\n") if self._print_timings:
[docs] def skip(self, reason): message = f"{self._algorithm} skipped as {reason}" time_taken = self._stop_timer() with GlobalProvenance() as db: db.insert_timing(self._category_id, self._algorithm, self._work, time_taken, reason) self._report(message)
[docs] def skip_if_has_not_run(self): if self._simulator.has_ran: return False else: self.skip("simulator.has_run") return True
[docs] def skip_if_virtual_board(self): if get_config_bool("Machine", "virtual_board"): self.skip("virtual_board") return True else: return False
[docs] def skip_if_empty(self, value, name): if value: return False if value is None: self.skip(f"{name} is None") elif len(value) == 0: self.skip(f"{name} is empty") else: self.skip(f"{name} is False for an unknown reason") return True
[docs] def skip_if_cfg_false(self, section, option): if get_config_bool(section, option): return False else: self.skip(f"cfg {section}:{option} is False") return True
[docs] def skip_if_cfgs_false(self, section, option1, option2): if get_config_bool(section, option1): return False elif get_config_bool(section, option2): return False else: self.skip(f"cfg {section}:{option1} and {option2} are False") return True
[docs] def error(self, reason): time_taken = self._stop_timer() message = f"{self._algorithm} failed after {timedelta} as {reason}" with GlobalProvenance() as db: db.insert_timing(self._category_id, self._algorithm, self._work, time_taken, reason) self._report(message)
def _stop_timer(self): """ Describes how long has elapsed since the instance that the :py:meth:`start_timing` method was last called. :rtype: datetime.timedelta """ time_now = _now() diff = time_now - self._start_time self._start_time = None return _convert_to_timedelta(diff) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self._start_time is None: return False time_taken = self._stop_timer() if exc_type is None: message = f"{self._algorithm} took {time_taken} " skip = None else: try: message = (f"{self._algorithm} exited with " f"{exc_type.__name__} after {time_taken}") skip = exc_type.__name__ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except message = (f"{self._algorithm} exited with an exception" f"after {time_taken}") skip = f"Exception {ex}" with GlobalProvenance() as db: db.insert_timing(self._category_id, self._algorithm, self._work, time_taken, skip) self._report(message) return False @classmethod def __stop_category(cls): """ Stops the current category and logs how long it took :return: Time the stop happened """ time_now = _now() if cls._category_id: with GlobalProvenance() as db: diff = _convert_to_timedelta(time_now - cls._category_time) db.insert_category_timing(cls._category_id, diff) return time_now @classmethod def _change_category(cls, category): """ This method should only be called via the View! :param TimerCategory category: Category to switch to """ time_now = cls.__stop_category() with GlobalProvenance() as db: cls._category_id = db.insert_category(category, cls._machine_on) cls._category = category cls._category_time = time_now
[docs] @classmethod def start_category(cls, category, machine_on=None): """ This method should only be called via the View! :param TimerCategory category: category to switch to :param machine_on: What to change machine on too. Or `None` to leave as is :type machine_on: None or bool """ cls._previous.append(cls._category) if cls._category != category: cls._change_category(category) if machine_on is not None: cls._machine_on = machine_on
[docs] @classmethod def end_category(cls, category): """ This method should only be called via the View! :param SimulatorStage category: Stage to end """ if cls._category != category: raise ValueError( f"Current category is {cls._category} not {category}") previous = cls._previous.pop() if previous is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Use stop_category_timing to end the last category") if category != previous: cls._change_category(previous)
[docs] @classmethod def stop_category_timing(cls): cls.__stop_category() cls._previous = [] cls._category = None cls._category_id = None