Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.spalloc_allocator

# Copyright (c) 2016 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from contextlib import ExitStack
import logging
import math
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_str_list, get_config_bool
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spalloc import Job
from spalloc.states import JobState
from spinn_utilities.abstract_context_manager import AbstractContextManager
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_int, get_config_str
from spinn_machine import Machine
from spinnman.constants import SCP_SCAMP_PORT
from spinnman.spalloc import (
    is_server_address, SpallocClient, SpallocJob, SpallocState)
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.impl import (
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance import ProvenanceWriter
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_calls import parse_old_spalloc

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
_MACHINE_VERSION = 5  # Spalloc only ever works with v5 boards

#: The number of chips per board to use in calculations to ensure that
#: the number of boards allocated is enough.  This is 2 less than the maximum
#: as there are a few boards with 2 down chips in the big machine.

class SpallocJobController(MachineAllocationController):
    __slots__ = (
        # the spalloc job object
        # the current job's old state

    def __init__(
            self, client: SpallocClient, job: SpallocJob,
            task: AbstractContextManager, use_proxy: bool):
        :param ~spinnman.spalloc.SpallocClient client:
        :param ~spinnman.spalloc.SpallocJob job:
        :param task:
        :type task:
        :param bool use_proxy:
        if job is None:
            raise TypeError("must have a real job")
        self.__client = client
        self.__closer = task
        self._job = job
        self._state = job.get_state()
        self.__use_proxy = use_proxy

    def extend_allocation(self, new_total_run_time):
        # Does Nothing in this allocator - machines are held until exit

    def close(self):

    def where_is_machine(self, chip_x, chip_y):
        :param int chip_x:
        :param int chip_y:
        :rtype: tuple(int,int,int)
        return self._job.where_is_machine(x=chip_x, y=chip_y)

    def _wait(self):
            if self._state != SpallocState.DESTROYED:
                self._state = self._job.wait_for_state_change(self._state)
        except TypeError:
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            if not self._exited:
                raise e
        return self._state != SpallocState.DESTROYED

    def _teardown(self):
        if not self._exited:

    def create_transceiver(self):
        .. note::
            This allocation controller proxies the transceiver's connections
            via Spalloc. This allows it to work even outside the UNIMAN

        if not self.__use_proxy:
            return super(SpallocJobController, self).create_transceiver()
        txrx = self._job.create_transceiver()
        return txrx

    def open_sdp_connection(self, chip_x, chip_y, udp_port=SCP_SCAMP_PORT):
        .. note::
            This allocation controller proxies connections via Spalloc. This
            allows it to work even outside the UNIMAN firewall.

        return self._job.connect_to_board(chip_x, chip_y, udp_port)

    def open_eieio_connection(self, chip_x, chip_y):
        return self._job.open_eieio_connection(chip_x, chip_y, SCP_SCAMP_PORT)

    def open_eieio_listener(self):
        return self._job.open_listener_connection()

    def proxying(self):
        return self.__use_proxy

    def make_report(self, filename):
        with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as report:
            report.write(f"Job: {self._job}")

class _OldSpallocJobController(MachineAllocationController):
    __slots__ = (
        # the spalloc job object
        # the current job's old state

    def __init__(self, job: Job, host: str):
        :param ~spalloc.job.Job job:
        if job is None:
            raise TypeError("must have a real job")
        self._job = job
        self._state = job.state
        super().__init__("SpallocJobController", host)

    def extend_allocation(self, new_total_run_time):
        # Does Nothing in this allocator - machines are held until exit

    def close(self):

    def power(self) -> bool:
        :rtype: bool
        return self._job.power

    def set_power(self, power: bool):
        :param bool power:
        if power:

    def where_is_machine(self, chip_x, chip_y):
        return self._job.where_is_machine(chip_y=chip_y, chip_x=chip_x)

    def _wait(self):
            if self._state != JobState.destroyed:
                self._state = self._job.wait_for_state_change(self._state)
        except TypeError:
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            if not self._exited:
                raise e
        return self._state != JobState.destroyed

    def _teardown(self):
        if not self._exited:


[docs]def spalloc_allocator( bearer_token: str = None) -> Tuple[ str, int, None, bool, bool, Dict[Tuple[int, int], str], None, MachineAllocationController]: """ Request a machine from a SPALLOC server that will fit the given number of chips. :param bearer_token: The bearer token to use :type bearer_token: str or None :return: host, board version, BMP details, reset on startup flag, auto-detect BMP flag, board address map, allocation controller :rtype: tuple(str, int, object, bool, bool, dict(tuple(int,int),str), MachineAllocationController) """ spalloc_server = get_config_str("Machine", "spalloc_server") # Work out how many boards are needed if FecDataView.has_n_boards_required(): n_boards = FecDataView.get_n_boards_required() else: n_chips = FecDataView.get_n_chips_needed() n_boards_float = float(n_chips) / CALC_CHIPS_PER_BOARD"{:.2f} Boards Required for {} chips", n_boards_float, n_chips) # If the number of boards rounded up is less than 50% of a board # bigger than the actual number of boards, # add another board just in case. n_boards = int(math.ceil(n_boards_float)) if n_boards - n_boards_float < 0.5: n_boards += 1 if is_server_address(spalloc_server): host, connections, mac = _allocate_job_new( spalloc_server, n_boards, bearer_token) else: host, connections, mac = _allocate_job_old(spalloc_server, n_boards) return (host, _MACHINE_VERSION, None, False, False, connections, mac)
def _allocate_job_new( spalloc_server: str, n_boards: int, bearer_token: str = None) -> Tuple[ str, Dict[Tuple[int, int], str], MachineAllocationController]: """ Request a machine from an new-style spalloc server that will fit the given number of boards. :param str spalloc_server: The server from which the machine should be requested :param int n_boards: The number of boards required :param bearer_token: The bearer token to use :type bearer_token: str or None :rtype: tuple(str, dict(tuple(int,int),str), MachineAllocationController) """"Requesting job with {n_boards} boards") with ExitStack() as stack: spalloc_machine = get_config_str("Machine", "spalloc_machine") use_proxy = get_config_bool("Machine", "spalloc_use_proxy") client = SpallocClient(spalloc_server, bearer_token=bearer_token) stack.enter_context(client) job = client.create_job(n_boards, spalloc_machine) stack.enter_context(job) task = job.launch_keepalive_task() stack.enter_context(task) job.wait_until_ready() connections = job.get_connections() ProvenanceWriter().insert_board_provenance(connections) root = connections.get((0, 0), None) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug( "boards: {}", str(connections).replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]")) allocation_controller = SpallocJobController( client, job, task, use_proxy) # Success! We don't want to close the client, job or task now; # the allocation controller now owns them. stack.pop_all() return (root, connections, allocation_controller) def _allocate_job_old(spalloc_server: str, n_boards: int) -> Tuple[ str, Dict[Tuple[int, int], str], MachineAllocationController]: """ Request a machine from an old-style spalloc server that will fit the requested number of boards. :param str spalloc_server: The server from which the machine should be requested :param int n_boards: The number of boards required :rtype: tuple(str, dict(tuple(int,int),str), MachineAllocationController) """ host, port, user = parse_old_spalloc( spalloc_server, get_config_int("Machine", "spalloc_port"), get_config_str("Machine", "spalloc_user")) spalloc_kwargs = { 'hostname': host, 'port': port, 'owner': user } spalloc_machine = get_config_str("Machine", "spalloc_machine") if spalloc_machine is not None: spalloc_kwargs['machine'] = spalloc_machine job, hostname, scamp_connection_data = _launch_checked_job_old( n_boards, spalloc_kwargs) machine_allocation_controller = _OldSpallocJobController(job, hostname) return (hostname, scamp_connection_data, machine_allocation_controller) def _launch_checked_job_old(n_boards: int, spalloc_kwargs: dict) -> Tuple[ Job, str, Dict[Tuple[int, int], str]]: """ :rtype: tuple(~.Job, str, dict(tuple(int,int),str)) """"Requesting job with {n_boards} boards") avoid_boards = get_config_str_list("Machine", "spalloc_avoid_boards") avoid_jobs = [] try: while True: job = Job(n_boards, **spalloc_kwargs) try: job.wait_until_ready() # get param from jobs before starting, so that hanging doesn't # occur hostname = job.hostname except Exception as ex: job.destroy(str(ex)) raise connections = job.connections if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("boards: {}", str(connections).replace("{", "[").replace( "}", "]")) with ProvenanceWriter() as db: db.insert_board_provenance(connections) if hostname not in avoid_boards: break avoid_jobs.append(job) logger.warning( f"Asking for new job as {hostname} " f"as in the spalloc_avoid_boards list") finally: if avoid_boards: for key in list(connections.keys()): if connections[key] in avoid_boards: logger.warning( f"Removing connection info for {connections[key]} " f"as in the spalloc avoid_boards list") del connections[key] for avoid_job in avoid_jobs: avoid_job.destroy("Asked to avoid by cfg") return job, hostname, connections