Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.local_tdma_builder

# Copyright (c) 2020 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import logging
import math
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_float, get_config_int
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.impl.\
    tdma_aware_application_vertex import (
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import CLOCKS_PER_US
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# default fraction of the real time we will use for spike transmissions

[docs]def local_tdma_builder(): """ Builds a localised TDMA. Builds a localised TDMA which allows a number of machine vertices of the same application vertex to fire at the same time. Ensures that other application vertices are not firing at the same time. Verifies if the total time required fits into the time scale factor and machine time step. Below are text diagrams to show how this works in principle. *Figure 1:* bits needed to figure out time between spikes. Cores 0-4 have 2 atoms, core 5 has 1 atom:: # 0 1 2 3 4 5 # T2-[ X X # | X X # | X X # [ X X # |------| T # X X # X <- T3 T = time_between_cores T2 = time_between_phases T3 = end of TDMA (equiv of ((n_phases + 1) * T2)) cutoff = 2. n_phases = 3 max_atoms = 2 Constants etc just to get into head: * clock cycles = 200 Mhz = 200 = sv->cpu_clk * 1ms = 200000 for timer 1. = clock cycles * 200 per microsecond * machine time step = microseconds already. * `__time_between_cores` = microseconds. *Figure 2:* initial offset (used to try to interleave packets from other app verts into the TDMA without extending the overall time, and trying to stop multiple packets in flight at same time). *Figure 3:* bits needed to figure out time between spikes. Cores 0-4 have 2 atoms, core 5 has 1 atom:: # 0 .5 1 .5 2 .5 3 .5 4 .5 5 .5 # T2-[ X Y X Y # | X Y X Y # | X Y X Y # [ X Y X Y # |-------| T # X Y X Y # |----| T4 # T3 -> X Y T4 is the spreader between populations. X is pop0 firing, Y is pop1 firing """ if FecDataView.get_n_vertices() == 0: return # get config params us_per_cycle = FecDataView.get_hardware_time_step_us() clocks_per_cycle = us_per_cycle * CLOCKS_PER_US (app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores, clocks_for_sending, clocks_waiting, clocks_initial) = __config_values(clocks_per_cycle) # calculate for each app vertex if the time needed fits app_verts = list() max_fraction_of_sending = 0 for app_vertex in FecDataView.get_vertices_by_type( TDMAAwareApplicationVertex): app_verts.append(app_vertex) # get timings # check config params for better performance n_at_same_time, local_clocks = __auto_config_times( app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores, clocks_for_sending, app_vertex, clocks_waiting) n_phases, n_slots, clocks_between_phases = __generate_times( app_vertex, n_at_same_time, local_clocks) # store in tracker app_vertex.set_other_timings( local_clocks, n_slots, clocks_between_phases, n_phases, clocks_per_cycle) # test timings fraction_of_sending = __get_fraction_of_sending( n_phases, clocks_between_phases, clocks_for_sending) if fraction_of_sending is not None: max_fraction_of_sending = max( max_fraction_of_sending, fraction_of_sending) time_scale_factor_needed = ( FecDataView.get_time_scale_factor() * max_fraction_of_sending) if max_fraction_of_sending > 1: logger.warning( "A time scale factor of {} may be needed to run correctly", time_scale_factor_needed) # get initial offset for each app vertex. for app_vertex in FecDataView.get_vertices_by_type( TDMAAwareApplicationVertex): initial_offset = __generate_initial_offset( app_vertex, app_verts, clocks_initial, clocks_waiting) app_vertex.set_initial_offset(initial_offset)
def __auto_config_times( app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores, clocks_for_sending, app_vertex, clocks_waiting): n_cores = app_vertex.get_n_cores() n_phases = app_vertex.get_n_phases() # If there are no packets sent, pretend there is 1 to avoid division # by 0; it won't actually matter anyway if n_phases == 0: n_phases = 1 # Overall time of the TDMA window minus initial offset overall_clocks_available = clocks_for_sending - clocks_waiting # Easier bool compares core_set = clocks_between_cores is not None app_set = app_machine_quantity is not None # Adjust time between cores to fit time scale if not core_set and app_set: n_slots = int(math.ceil(n_cores / app_machine_quantity)) clocks_per_phase = ( int(math.ceil(overall_clocks_available / n_phases))) clocks_between_cores = clocks_per_phase / n_slots logger.debug( "adjusted clocks between cores is {}", clocks_between_cores) # Adjust cores at same time to fit time between cores. if core_set and not app_set: clocks_per_phase = ( int(math.ceil(overall_clocks_available / n_phases))) max_slots = int(math.floor( clocks_per_phase / clocks_between_cores)) app_machine_quantity = int(math.ceil(n_cores / max_slots)) logger.debug( "Adjusted the number of cores of a app vertex that " "can fire at the same time to {}", app_machine_quantity) return app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores def __generate_initial_offset( app_vertex, app_verts, clocks_between_cores, clocks_waiting): """ Calculates from the app vertex index the initial offset for the TDMA between all cores. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex app_vertex: the app vertex in question. :param app_verts: the list of app vertices. :type app_verts: list(~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex) :param int clocks_between_cores: the clock cycles between cores. :param int clocks_waiting: the clock cycles to wait for. :return: the initial offset for this app vertex including wait time. :rtype: int """ # This is an offset between cores initial_offset_clocks = int(math.ceil( (app_verts.index(app_vertex) * clocks_between_cores) / len(app_verts))) # add the offset the clocks to wait for before sending anything at all initial_offset_clocks += clocks_waiting return initial_offset_clocks def __generate_times( app_vertex, app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores): """ Generates the number of phases needed for this app vertex, as well as the number of slots and the time between spikes for this app vertex, given the number of machine verts to fire at the same time from a given app vertex. :param TDMAAwareApplicationVertex app_vertex: the app vertex :param int app_machine_quantity: the pop spike control level :param int clocks_between_cores: the clock cycles between cores :return: (n_phases, n_slots, time_between_phases) for this app vertex :rtype: tuple(int, int, int) """ # Figure total T2s n_phases = app_vertex.get_n_phases() # how many hops between T2's n_cores = app_vertex.get_n_cores() n_slots = int(math.ceil(n_cores / app_machine_quantity)) # figure T2 clocks_between_phases = int(math.ceil(clocks_between_cores * n_slots)) return n_phases, n_slots, clocks_between_phases def __get_fraction_of_sending( n_phases, clocks_between_phases, clocks_for_sending): """ Get the fraction of the send. :param int n_phases: the max number of phases this TDMA needs for a given app vertex :param int time_between_phases: the time between phases. :param float fraction_of_sending: fraction of time step for sending packets :param str label: the app vertex we're considering at this point :rtype: float """ # figure how much time this TDMA needs total_clocks_needed = n_phases * clocks_between_phases return total_clocks_needed / clocks_for_sending def __check_at_most_one(name_1, value_1, name_2, value_2): if value_1 is not None and value_2 is not None: raise ConfigurationException( f"Both {name_1} and {name_2} have been specified; " "please choose just one") def __check_only_one(name_1, value_1, name_2, value_2): """ Checks that exactly one of the values is not `None`. """ __check_at_most_one(name_1, value_1, name_2, value_2) if value_1 is None and value_2 is None: raise ConfigurationException( f"Exactly one of {name_1} and {name_2} must be specified") def __config_values(clocks_per_cycle): """ Read the config for the right parameters and combinations. :param int clocks_per_cycle: The number of clock cycles per time step :return: (app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores, clocks_for_sending, clocks_waiting, initial_clocks) :rtype: tuple(int, int, int, int. int) """ # set the number of cores expected to fire at any given time app_machine_quantity = get_config_int( "Simulation", "app_machine_quantity") # set the time between cores to fire time_between_cores = get_config_float( "Simulation", "time_between_cores") clocks_between_cores = get_config_int( "Simulation", "clock_cycles_between_cores") __check_at_most_one( "time_between_cores", time_between_cores, "clock_cycles_betwen_cores", clocks_between_cores) if (time_between_cores is None and clocks_between_cores is None and app_machine_quantity is None): raise ConfigurationException( "Either one of time_between_cores and clocks_between_cores" " must be specified or else app_machine_quantity must be" " specified") if time_between_cores is not None: clocks_between_cores = time_between_cores * CLOCKS_PER_US # time spend sending fraction_of_sending = get_config_float( "Simulation", "fraction_of_time_spike_sending") clocks_for_sending = get_config_int( "Simulation", "clock_cycles_sending") __check_only_one( "fraction_of_time_spike_sending", fraction_of_sending, "clock_cycles_sending", clocks_for_sending) if fraction_of_sending is not None: clocks_for_sending = int(round( clocks_per_cycle * fraction_of_sending)) # time waiting before sending fraction_of_waiting = get_config_float( "Simulation", "fraction_of_time_before_sending") clocks_waiting = get_config_int( "Simulation", "clock_cycles_before_sending") __check_only_one( "fraction_of_time_before_sending", fraction_of_waiting, "clock_cycles_before_sending", clocks_waiting) if fraction_of_waiting is not None: clocks_waiting = int(round(clocks_per_cycle * fraction_of_waiting)) # time to offset app vertices between each other fraction_initial = get_config_float( "Simulation", "fraction_of_time_for_offset") clocks_initial = get_config_int( "Simulation", "clock_cycles_for_offset") __check_only_one( "fraction_of_time_for_offset", fraction_initial, "clock_cycles_for_offset", clocks_initial) if fraction_initial is not None: clocks_initial = int(round(clocks_per_cycle * fraction_initial)) # check fractions less than 1. if (clocks_for_sending + clocks_waiting + clocks_initial > clocks_per_cycle): raise ConfigurationException( "The total time for the TDMA must not exceed the time per" " cycle") return (app_machine_quantity, clocks_between_cores, clocks_for_sending, clocks_waiting, clocks_initial)