Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.application_runner

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import time
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums import Signal
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import ExecutableType
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (


logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs]def application_runner(runtime, time_threshold, run_until_complete): """ Ensures all cores are initialised correctly, ran, and completed successfully. :param int runtime: :param int time_threshold: :param bool run_until_complete: :raises ConfigurationException: """ runner = _ApplicationRunner() # pylint: disable=protected-access runner._run(runtime, time_threshold, run_until_complete)
class _ApplicationRunner(object): """ Ensures all cores are initialised correctly, ran, and completed successfully. """ __slots__ = ["__txrx", "__app_id"] def __init__(self): self.__txrx = FecDataView.get_transceiver() self.__app_id = FecDataView.get_app_id() # Wraps up as a PACMAN algorithm def _run( self, runtime, time_threshold, run_until_complete=False): """ :param int runtime: :param int time_threshold: :param bool run_until_complete: :return: Number of synchronisation changes :rtype: int :raises ConfigurationException: """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments"*** Running simulation... *** ") # wait for all cores to be ready self._wait_for_start() buffer_manager = FecDataView.get_buffer_manager() notification_interface = FecDataView.get_notification_protocol() # set the buffer manager into a resume state, so that if it had ran # before it'll work again buffer_manager.resume() # every thing is in sync0 so load the initial buffers buffer_manager.load_initial_buffers() # clear away any router diagnostics that have been set due to all # loading applications for chip in FecDataView.get_machine().chips: self.__txrx.clear_router_diagnostic_counters(chip.x, chip.y) # wait till external app is ready for us to start if required notification_interface.wait_for_confirmation() # set off the executables that are in sync state # (sending to all is just as safe) self._send_sync_signal() # Send start notification to external applications notification_interface.send_start_resume_notification() if runtime is None and not run_until_complete: # Do NOT stop the buffer manager at end; app is using it still"Application is set to run forever; exiting") else: # Wait for the application to finish self._run_wait( run_until_complete, runtime, time_threshold) # Send stop notification to external applications notification_interface.send_stop_pause_notification() def _run_wait(self, run_until_complete, runtime, time_threshold): """ :param bool run_until_complete: :param int runtime: :param float time_threshold: """ if not run_until_complete: factor = (FecDataView.get_time_scale_factor() / MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION) scaled_runtime = runtime * factor time_to_wait = scaled_runtime + SAFETY_FINISH_TIME "Application started; waiting {}s for it to stop", time_to_wait) time.sleep(time_to_wait) self._wait_for_end(timeout=time_threshold) else:"Application started; waiting until finished") self._wait_for_end() def _wait_for_start(self, timeout=None): """ :param timeout: :type timeout: float or None """ for ex_type, cores in FecDataView.get_executable_types().items(): self.__txrx.wait_for_cores_to_be_in_state( cores, self.__app_id, ex_type.start_state, timeout=timeout) def _send_sync_signal(self): """ Let apps that use the simulation interface or sync signals commence running their main processing loops. This is done with a very fast synchronisation barrier and a signal. """ executable_types = FecDataView.get_executable_types() if (ExecutableType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE in executable_types or ExecutableType.SYNC in executable_types): # locate all signals needed to set off executables sync_signal = self._determine_simulation_sync_signals() # fire all signals as required self.__txrx.send_signal(self.__app_id, sync_signal) def _wait_for_end(self, timeout=None): """ :param timeout: :type timeout: float or None """ for ex_type, cores in FecDataView.get_executable_types().items(): self.__txrx.wait_for_cores_to_be_in_state( cores, self.__app_id, ex_type.end_state, timeout=timeout) def _determine_simulation_sync_signals(self): """ Determines the start states, and creates core subsets of the states for further checks. :return: the sync signal :rtype: ~.Signal :raises ConfigurationException: """ sync_signal = None executable_types = FecDataView.get_executable_types() if ExecutableType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE in executable_types: sync_signal = FecDataView.get_next_sync_signal() # handle the sync states, but only send once if they work with # the simulation interface requirement if ExecutableType.SYNC in executable_types: if sync_signal == Signal.SYNC1: raise ConfigurationException( "There can only be one SYNC signal per run. This is " "because we cannot ensure the cores have not reached the " "next SYNC state before we send the next SYNC. Resulting " "in uncontrolled behaviour") sync_signal = Signal.SYNC0 return sync_signal