Source code for pacman.operations.router_compressors.ranged_compressor

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import sys
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from spinn_machine import Machine, MulticastRoutingEntry
from import PacmanDataView
from pacman.model.routing_tables import (
    CompressedMulticastRoutingTable, MulticastRoutingTables)
from pacman.exceptions import MinimisationFailedError

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs]def range_compressor(accept_overflow=True): """ :param MulticastRoutingTables router_tables: :param bool accept_overflow: A flag which should only be used in testing to stop raising an exception if result is too big :rtype: MulticastRoutingTables """ if accept_overflow: message = "Precompressing tables using Range Compressor" else: message = "Compressing tables using Range Compressor" router_tables = PacmanDataView.get_uncompressed() progress = ProgressBar(len(router_tables.routing_tables), message) compressor = RangeCompressor() compressed_tables = MulticastRoutingTables() for table in progress.over(router_tables.routing_tables): new_table = compressor.compress_table(table) if (new_table.number_of_entries > Machine.ROUTER_ENTRIES and not accept_overflow): raise MinimisationFailedError( f"The routing table {table.x} {table.y} with " f"{table.number_of_entries} entries after compression " f"still has {new_table.number_of_entries} so will not fit") compressed_tables.add_routing_table(new_table)"Ranged compressor resulted with the largest table of size " f"{compressed_tables.max_number_of_entries}") return compressed_tables
[docs]class RangeCompressor(object): """ """ __slots__ = [ # Router table to add merged rutes into "_compressed", # List of entries to be merged "_entries" ] def __init__(self): self._compressed = None self._entries = None
[docs] def compress_table(self, uncompressed): """ Compresses all the entries for a single table. Compressed the entries for this unordered table returning a new table with possibly fewer entries :param UnCompressedMulticastRoutingTable uncompressed: Original Routing table for a single chip :return: Compressed routing table for the same chip :rtype: list(Entry) """ # Check you need to compress if not get_config_bool( "Mapping", "router_table_compress_as_far_as_possible"): if uncompressed.number_of_entries < Machine.ROUTER_ENTRIES: return uncompressed # Step 1 get the entries and make sure they are sorted by key self._entries = list(uncompressed.multicast_routing_entries) self._entries.sort(key=lambda x: x.routing_entry_key) if not self._validate(): return uncompressed # Step 2 Create the results Table self._compressed = CompressedMulticastRoutingTable( uncompressed.x, uncompressed.y) # Step 3 Find ranges of entries with the same route and merge them # Start the first range route = self._entries[0].spinnaker_route first = 0 for i, entry in enumerate(self._entries): # Keep building the range until the route changes if entry.spinnaker_route != route: # Merge all the entries in the range self._merge_range(first, i-1) # Start the next range with this entry first = i route = entry.spinnaker_route # Merge the last range self._merge_range(first, i) # pylint:disable=undefined-loop-variable # return the results as a list return self._compressed
def _validate(self): for i in range(len(self._entries)): if self._get_endpoint(i) >= self._get_key(i+1): logger.warning( "Unable to run range compressor because entries overlap") return False return True def _get_key(self, index): """ Gets routing_entry_key for entry index with support for index overflow if index == len(self._entries): return sys.maxsize :param int index: """ if index == len(self._entries): return sys.maxsize entry = self._entries[index] return entry.routing_entry_key & entry.mask def _get_endpoint(self, index): """ Get the end of the range covered by entry index's key and mask With support for index underflow :param index: :return: """ if index < 0: return 0 entry = self._entries[index] # return the key plus the mask flipping ones and zeros return (entry.routing_entry_key | ~entry.mask) & 0xFFFFFFFF def _merge_range(self, first, last): # With a range of 1 just use the existing if first == last: self._compressed.add_multicast_routing_entry(self._entries[first]) return # Find the points the range must cover first_point = self._get_key(first) last_point = self._get_endpoint(last) # Find the points the range may NOT go into pre_point = self._get_endpoint(first-1) post_point = self._get_key(last+1) # find the power big enough to include the first and last enrty dif = last_point - first_point power = self.next_power(dif) # Find the start range cutoffs low_cut = first_point // power * power high_cut = low_cut + power # If that does not cover all try one power higher if high_cut < last_point: power <<= 1 low_cut = first_point // power * power high_cut = low_cut + power # The power is too big if it touches the entry before or after while power > 1 and (low_cut < pre_point or high_cut > post_point): power >>= 1 low_cut = first_point // power * power high_cut = low_cut + power # The range may now not cover all the index so reduce the indexes full_last = last while high_cut <= last_point: last -= 1 last_point = self._get_endpoint(last) # make the new router entry new_mask = 2 ** 32 - power route = self._entries[first].spinnaker_route new_entry = MulticastRoutingEntry( low_cut, new_mask, spinnaker_route=route) self._compressed.add_multicast_routing_entry(new_entry) # Do any indexes skip from before if full_last != last: self._merge_range(last + 1, full_last)
[docs] @staticmethod def next_power(number): power = 1 while power < number: power *= 2 return power
[docs] @staticmethod def cut_off(key, power): return key // power * power