Source code for pacman.operations.router_algorithms.application_router

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from import PacmanDataView
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanRoutingException
from pacman.model.routing_table_by_partition import (
    MulticastRoutingTableByPartition, MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry)
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.routing_algorithm_utilities import (
    longest_dimension_first, get_app_partitions, vertex_xy,
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.routing_tree import RoutingTree
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

class _Targets(object):
    A set of targets to be added to a route on a chip(xy).
    __slots__ = ["__targets_by_source"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.__targets_by_source = defaultdict(lambda: (list(), list()))

    def ensure_source(self, source_vertex):
        Ensure that a source exists, even if it targets nothing.

        :param source_vertex: The vertex to ensure exists
        :type source_vertex: ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex
        if source_vertex not in self.__targets_by_source:
            self.__targets_by_source[source_vertex] = (list(), list())

    def add_sources_for_target(
            self, core, link, source_vertices, partition_id):
        Add a set of vertices that target a given core or link.

        :param core: The core to target with the sources or `None` if no core
        :type core: int or None
        :param link: The link to target with the sources or `None` if no link
        :type link: int or None
        :param source_vertices: A list of sources which target something here
        :type source_vertices: list(ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex)
        :param str partition_id: The partition of the sources
        for vertex in source_vertices:
            if isinstance(vertex, ApplicationVertex):
                if self.__is_m_vertex(vertex, partition_id):
                    self.__add_m_vertices(vertex, partition_id, core, link)
                    self.__add_source(vertex, core, link)
                if vertex.app_vertex in self.__targets_by_source:
                    self.__replace_app_vertex(vertex.app_vertex, partition_id)
                self.__add_source(vertex, core, link)

    def add_machine_sources_for_target(
            self, core, link, source_vertices, partition_id):
        Add a set of machine vertices that target a given core or link.

        :param core: The core to target with the sources or `None` if no core
        :type core: int or None
        :param link: The link to target with the sources or `None` if no link
        :type link: int or None
        :param source_vertices: A list of sources which target something here
        :type source_vertices: list(ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex)
        :param str partition_id: The partition of the sources
        for vertex in source_vertices:
            if isinstance(vertex, ApplicationVertex):
                if vertex in self.__targets_by_source:
                    self.__replace_app_vertex(vertex, partition_id)
                self.__add_m_vertices(vertex, partition_id, core, link)
                if vertex.app_vertex in self.__targets_by_source:
                    self.__replace_app_vertex(vertex.app_vertex, partition_id)
                self.__add_source(vertex, core, link)

    def __is_m_vertex(self, vertex, partition_id):
        for m_vert in vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(partition_id):
            if m_vert in self.__targets_by_source:
                return True
        return False

    def __replace_app_vertex(self, vertex, partition_id):
        cores = self.__targets_by_source[vertex][0]
        links = self.__targets_by_source[vertex][1]
        del self.__targets_by_source[vertex]
        for m_vertex in vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(partition_id):
            self.__targets_by_source[m_vertex] = (cores, links)

    def __add_m_vertices(self, vertex, partition_id, core, link):
        for m_vertex in vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(partition_id):
            self.__add_source(m_vertex, core, link)

    def __add_source(self, source, core, link):
        if core is not None:
        if link is not None:

    def targets_by_source(self):
        List of (source, (list of cores, list of links)) to target.

        :rtype: tuple(MachineVertex or ApplicationVertex,
                      tuple(list(int), list(int)))
        return self.__targets_by_source.items()

    def get_targets_for_source(self, vertex):
        Get the cores and links for a specific source.

        :return: tuple(list of cores, list of links)
        :rtype: tuple(list(int), list(int))
        return vertex, self.__targets_by_source[vertex]

[docs]def route_application_graph(): """ Route an application graph. """ routing_tables = MulticastRoutingTableByPartition() partitions = get_app_partitions() machine = PacmanDataView.get_machine() # Now go through the app edges and route app vertex by app vertex progress = ProgressBar(len(partitions), "Routing") for partition in progress.over(partitions): # Store the source vertex of the partition source = partition.pre_vertex # Pick a place within the source that we can route from. Note that # this might not end up being the actual source in the end. source_mappings = _get_outgoing_mapping( source, partition.identifier) # No source mappings? Nothing to route then! if not source_mappings: continue source_xy = next(iter(source_mappings.keys())) # Get all source chips coordinates all_source_xys = _get_all_xys(source) # Keep track of the source edge chips source_edge_xys = set() # Keep track of which chips (xys) we have visited with routes for this # partition to ensure no looping routes = dict() # Keep track of cores or links to target on specific chips (xys) targets = defaultdict(_Targets) # Remember if we see a self-connection self_connected = False self_xys = set() for edge in partition.edges: # Store the target vertex target = edge.post_vertex # If not self-connected if source != target: _route_source_to_target( machine, source, source_xy, all_source_xys, source_mappings, source_edge_xys, target, targets, partition, routes) # If self-connected else: self_connected = True _route_source_to_source(source, partition, targets, self_xys) # Deal with internal multicast partitions internal = source.splitter.get_internal_multicast_partitions() if internal: self_connected = True _route_internal(internal, targets, self_xys) # Make the real routes from source edges to targets _make_source_to_target_routes( source, partition, source_edge_xys, source_mappings, targets, routing_tables, routes) # Now make the routes from actual sources to source edges if self_connected: _make_source_to_source_routes( all_source_xys, source_edge_xys, self_xys, source_mappings, machine, partition, routing_tables, targets) else: _make_source_to_source_edge_routes( all_source_xys, source_edge_xys, source_mappings, machine, partition, routing_tables) # Return the routing tables return routing_tables
def _route_source_to_target( machine, source, source_xy, all_source_xys, source_mappings, source_edge_xys, target, targets, partition, routes): """ Route from a source to a single application vertex target that is not the same as the source. :param Machine machine: The machine to route on :param ApplicationVertex source: The source application vertex :param tuple(int,int) source_xy: A chip chosen in the source to route from :param list(tuple(int,int) all_source_xys: All source chips :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are currently going outward from the source (updated here) :param ApplicationVertex target: The target application vertex :param dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) targets: The set of actual targets to be added on chips (updated here) :param OutgoingEdgePartition partition: The partition being routed :param dict(tuple(int,int), RoutingTree) routes: The routes made by chip (updated here) """ # Get which vertices are targetted by the source target_vertices = target.splitter.get_source_specific_in_coming_vertices( source, partition.identifier) # Add all the targets for the route real_target_xys = set() for tgt, srcs in target_vertices: xy, (_vertex, core, link) = vertex_xy_and_route(tgt) if xy in source_mappings: targets[xy].add_machine_sources_for_target( core, link, srcs, partition.identifier) else: targets[xy].add_sources_for_target( core, link, srcs, partition.identifier) real_target_xys.add(xy) # If there is just one real target, use that directly if len(real_target_xys) == 1: target_xys = [xy] target_xy = xy overlaps = None else: # Find all coordinates for chips (xy) that are in the target target_xys = _get_all_xys(target) # Pick one to actually use as a target target_xy, overlaps = _find_target_xy( target_xys, routes, source_mappings) # Make a route between source and target, without any source # or target chips in it source_edge_xy, target_edge_xy = _route_pre_to_post( source_xy, target_xy, routes, machine, f"Source to Target ({target.label})", all_source_xys, target_xys) if not overlaps: _route_single_source_to_target( machine, source_edge_xys, source_edge_xy, source_mappings, target_edge_xy, target_xys, real_target_xys, routes) else: _route_multiple_source_to_target( machine, source_edge_xys, target_edge_xy, target_xys, real_target_xys, routes, overlaps) def _route_single_source_to_target( machine, source_edge_xys, source_edge_xy, source_mappings, target_edge_xy, target_xys, real_target_xys, routes): """ Route from a single source connection point to all targets from the target edge chip. :param Machine machine: The machine to route on :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are currently going outward from the source (updated here) :param tuple(int,int) source_edge_xy: The x and y coordinate of the actual source edge chip to route from :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :param tuple(int,int) target_edge_xy: The x and y coordinate of the actual target edge chip to route to :param list(tuple(int,int)) target_xys: The chips in the target :param set(tuple(int,int)) real_target_xys: The chips in the target that something in the source actually targets :param dict(tuple(int,int), RoutingTree) routes: The routes already made and to add to (updated here) """ # Route from target edge chip to all the targets _route_to_xys( target_edge_xy, target_xys, machine, routes, real_target_xys, "Target to Targets") # If the start of the route is still part of the source vertex # chips, add it if source_edge_xy in source_mappings: source_edge_xys.add(source_edge_xy) def _route_multiple_source_to_target( machine, source_edge_xys, target_edge_xy, target_xys, real_target_xys, routes, overlaps): """ Route from multiple source connection points to all target chips. :param Machine machine: The machine to route on :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are currently going outward from the source (updated here) :param tuple(int,int) target_edge_xy: The x and y coordinate of the actual target edge chip to route to :param list(tuple(int,int)) target_xys: The chips in the target :param set(tuple(int,int)) real_target_xys: The chips in the target that something in the source actually targets :param dict(tuple(int,int), RoutingTree) routes: The routes already made and to add to (updated here) :param set(tuple(int,int)) overlaps: Chips which overlap between source and target """ # Deal with the overlaps first by finding the set of all things that can # be reached in the target from each of them, without hitting any other # overlaps, and routing the source from there directly reached_xys = set(overlaps) for overlap_xy in overlaps: targets = _find_reachable(overlap_xy, machine, target_xys, reached_xys) this_target_xys = {xy for xy in real_target_xys if xy in targets} _route_to_xys( overlap_xy, targets, machine, routes, this_target_xys, f"Overlap {overlap_xy} to Targets") # We now need to make sure the source edges go here too source_edge_xys.add(overlap_xy) # We also need to stop the targets we have found being needed in future for xy in this_target_xys: real_target_xys.remove(xy) target_xys.remove(xy) # And we need to stop next run of the loop going through chips # we have already done as more overlapping is not a good idea! reached_xys.update(targets) # Now do the last bit, which is getting to the rest of the chips _route_to_xys( target_edge_xy, target_xys, machine, routes, real_target_xys, "Target to Targets") def _route_source_to_source(source, partition, targets, self_xys): """ Routes the source to itself. :param ApplicationVertex source: The source vertex to route :param OutgoingEdgePartition partition: The partition being routed :param dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) targets: Actual targets on the chips :param set(tuple(int,int)) self_xys: The coordinates of chips that are targets """ # Add the targets of the sources target_vertices = source.splitter.get_source_specific_in_coming_vertices( source, partition.identifier) for tgt, srcs in target_vertices: xy, (_vertex, core, link) = vertex_xy_and_route(tgt) targets[xy].add_machine_sources_for_target( core, link, srcs, partition.identifier) self_xys.add(xy) def _route_internal(internal, targets, self_xys): """ Route internal multicast edges. :param list(MulticastEdgePartition) internal: A list of partitions to route :param dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) targets: Actual things to target :param set(tuple(int,int)) self_xys: Chips to target """ for in_part in internal: src = in_part.pre_vertex for edge in in_part.edges: tgt = edge.post_vertex xy, (_vertex, core, link) = vertex_xy_and_route(tgt) targets[xy].add_machine_sources_for_target( core, link, [src], in_part.identifier) self_xys.add(xy) def _make_source_to_target_routes( source, partition, source_edge_xys, source_mappings, targets, routing_tables, routes): """ Convert the routes from source to targets into routing table entries. :param ApplicationVertex source: The source application vertex :param OutgoingEdgePartition partition: The partition to route :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are currently going outward from the source :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :param dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) targets: The actual targets to hit on each chip :param MulticastRoutingTableByPartition routing_tables: The tables to write :param dict(tuple(int,int),RoutingTree) routes: The routes to convert """ for source_edge_xy in source_edge_xys: # Make sure that we add the machine sources on the source edge chip if source_edge_xy not in targets: edge_targets = _Targets() for source_xy in source_mappings: for vertex, _p, _l in source_mappings[source_xy]: edge_targets.ensure_source(vertex) targets[source_edge_xy] = edge_targets _convert_a_route( routing_tables, source, partition.identifier, None, None, routes[source_edge_xy], targets=targets, ensure_all_source=True) def _make_source_to_source_routes( all_source_xys, source_edge_xys, self_xys, source_mappings, machine, partition, routing_tables, targets): """ Convert the routes from the source vertices themselves when the source is self-connected. :param list(tuple(int,int)) all_source_xys: All source chips :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are going outward from the source :param self_xys: The actual chips that are targeted in the source :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :param Machine machine: The machine to route on :param OutgoingEdgePartition partition: The partition to route :param MulticastRoutingTableByPartition routing_tables: The tables to write :param dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) targets: The target end-points of the routes """ for xy in source_mappings: source_routes = dict() _route_to_xys( xy, all_source_xys, machine, source_routes, source_edge_xys.union(self_xys), "Sources to Source (self)") for vertex, processor, link in source_mappings[xy]: _convert_a_route( routing_tables, vertex, partition.identifier, processor, link, source_routes[xy], targets=targets, use_source_for_targets=True) def _make_source_to_source_edge_routes( all_source_xys, source_edge_xys, source_mappings, machine, partition, routing_tables): """ Convert the routes from the source vertices to the edge vertices when the source is not self-connected. :param list(tuple(int,int)) all_source_xys: All source chips :param set(tuple(int,int)) source_edge_xys: Set of chips that routes are going outward from the source :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :param Machine machine: The machine to route on :param OutgoingEdgePartition partition: The partition to route :param MulticastRoutingTableByPartition routing_tables: The tables to write """ for xy in source_mappings: source_routes = dict() _route_to_xys( xy, all_source_xys, machine, source_routes, source_edge_xys, "Sources to source") for vertex, processor, link in source_mappings[xy]: _convert_a_route( routing_tables, vertex, partition.identifier, processor, link, source_routes[xy]) def _find_target_xy(target_xys, routes, source_mappings): """ Find a target chip to use from the set of target chips. :param set(tuple(int, int)) target_xys: The chips in the target :param dict(tuple(int,int),RoutingTree) routes: The routes in existence :param source_mappings: The sources mapped to their routes :type source_mappings: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) :return: A chip to use as a target, and the set of overlapping chips :rtype: tuple(int, int), (set(tuple(x, y)) or None) """ overlaps = target_xys.intersection(source_mappings) if overlaps: target_chip = next(iter(overlaps)) # Multiple overlaps is a special case (and very unusual, normally only # when there is an FPGA device with multiple incoming chips) if len(overlaps) > 1: return target_chip, overlaps # If only one overlap, we can leave that to normal case, so say none return target_chip, None for xy in target_xys: if xy in routes: return xy, None return xy, None # pylint:disable=undefined-loop-variable def _get_outgoing_mapping(app_vertex, partition_id): """ Gets a Mapping from xy sources to a list of (vertex, the vertex, processor and link to follow to get to the vertex. For each tuple in the list either processor or link will be `None`. :param app_vertex: :param partition_id: :rtype: dict(tuple(int, int), list(tuple(MachineVertex, int, None) or tuple(MachineVertex, None, int))) """ outgoing_mapping = defaultdict(list) for m_vertex in app_vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(partition_id): xy, route = vertex_xy_and_route(m_vertex) outgoing_mapping[xy].append(route) for in_part in app_vertex.splitter.get_internal_multicast_partitions(): if in_part.identifier == partition_id: xy, route = vertex_xy_and_route(in_part.pre_vertex) outgoing_mapping[xy].append(route) return outgoing_mapping def _get_all_xys(app_vertex): """ Gets the list of all the xy coordinates the vertexes machine vertices are placed on. :param app_vertex: :rtype: set(tuple(int, int)) """ return {vertex_xy(m_vertex) for m_vertex in app_vertex.machine_vertices} def _route_to_xys(first_xy, all_xys, machine, routes, targets, label): """ :param tuple(int, int) first_xy: :param list(tuple(int, int)) all_xys: :param machine: :param routes: :param targets: :param label: """ # Keep a queue of xy to visit, list of (parent xy, link from parent) xys_to_explore = deque([(first_xy, list())]) visited = set() targets_to_visit = set(targets) while xys_to_explore: xy, path = xys_to_explore.popleft() if xy in targets_to_visit: targets_to_visit.remove(xy) if xy in visited: continue visited.add(xy) # If we have reached a xy that has already been routed to, # cut the path off here if xy in routes: path = list() # If we have reached a target, add the path to the routes elif xy in targets: routes[xy] = RoutingTree(xy, label) last_route = routes[xy] for parent, link in reversed(path): if parent not in routes: routes[parent] = RoutingTree(parent, label) routes[parent].append_child((link, last_route)) last_route = routes[parent] # The path can be reset from here as we have already routed here path = list() for link in range(6): x, y = xy if machine.is_link_at(x, y, link): next_xy = machine.xy_over_link(x, y, link) if _is_open_chip(next_xy, all_xys, visited, machine): new_path = list(path) new_path.append((xy, link)) xys_to_explore.append((next_xy, new_path)) # Sanity check if targets_to_visit: raise PacmanRoutingException( f"Failed to visit all targets {targets} from {first_xy}: " f" Not visited {targets_to_visit}") def _find_reachable(source_xy, machine, allowed_xys, disallowed_xys): """ Find a set of chips that can be reached from a source only via the allowed chips, but not looking at the disallowed chips. A chip in the disallowed chips is not used unless it is the source even if in the allowed chips! """ xys_to_explore = deque([source_xy]) visited = set() while xys_to_explore: xy = xys_to_explore.pop() if xy in visited: continue visited.add(xy) for link in range(6): x, y = xy if machine.is_link_at(x, y, link): next_xy = machine.xy_over_link(x, y, link) if (_is_open_chip(next_xy, allowed_xys, visited, machine) and next_xy not in disallowed_xys): xys_to_explore.append(next_xy) return visited def _is_open_chip(xy, xys, visited, machine): """ :param tuple(int, int) xy: :param list(tuple(int, int) xys: List of legal xys :param set(tuple(int, int) visited: :param machine: :return: True if the cooridnates point to an existing Chip not yet visited """ return xy in xys and xy not in visited and machine.is_chip_at(*xy) def _route_pre_to_post( source_xy, dest_xy, routes, machine, label, all_source_xy, target_xys): """ :param tuple(int, int) source_xy: :param tuple(int, int) dest_xy: :param routes: :param machine: :param str label: :param set(tuple(int, int)) all_source_xy: :param set(tuple(int, int)) target_xys: :return: the pre and post xy coordinates :rtype: tuple(tuple(int,int), tuple(int, int)) """ # Find a route from source to target vector = machine.get_vector(source_xy, dest_xy) nodes_direct = longest_dimension_first(vector, source_xy) # Route around broken links and chips nodes_fixed = _path_without_errors(source_xy, nodes_direct, machine) # Start from the end and move backwards until we find a chip # in the source group, or a already in the route nodes = nodes_fixed route_pre = source_xy for i, (_direction, (x, y)) in reversed(list(enumerate(nodes))): if _in_group((x, y), all_source_xy) or (x, y) in routes: nodes = nodes[i + 1:] route_pre = (x, y) break # If we found one not in the route, create a new entry for it if route_pre not in routes: routes[route_pre] = RoutingTree(route_pre, label) # Start from the start and move forwards until we find a chip in # the target group route_post = dest_xy for i, (_direction, (x, y)) in enumerate(nodes): if (x, y) in target_xys: nodes = nodes[:i + 1] route_post = (x, y) break # Convert nodes to routes and add to existing routes source_route = routes[route_pre] for direction, dest_node in nodes: if dest_node in routes: _print_path(routes[source_xy]) print(f"Direct path from {source_xy} to {dest_xy}: {nodes_direct}") print(f"Avoiding down chips: {nodes_fixed}") print(f"Trimmed path is from {route_pre} to {route_post}: {nodes}") raise PacmanRoutingException( f"Somehow node {dest_node} already in routes with label" f" {routes[dest_node].label}") dest_route = RoutingTree(dest_node, label) routes[dest_node] = dest_route source_route.append_child((direction, dest_route)) source_route = dest_route return route_pre, route_post def _path_without_errors(source_xy, nodes, machine): """ :param tuple(int, int) source_xy: :param list(tuple(int,tuple(int, int))) nodes: :param machine: :rtype: list(tuple(int,int)) """ c_xy = source_xy pos = 0 new_nodes = list() while pos < len(nodes): # While the route is working, move forwards and copy while (pos < len(nodes) and _is_ok(c_xy, nodes[pos], machine)): new_nodes.append(nodes[pos]) c_xy = _xy(nodes[pos]) pos += 1 # While the route is broken, find the next working bit next_pos = pos n_xy = c_xy while (next_pos < len(nodes) and not _is_ok( n_xy, nodes[next_pos], machine)): n_xy = _xy(nodes[next_pos]) next_pos += 1 # If there is a broken bit, fix it if next_pos != pos: new_nodes.extend(_find_path(c_xy, n_xy, machine)) c_xy = n_xy pos = next_pos return _path_without_loops(source_xy, new_nodes) def _path_without_loops(start_xy, nodes): """ :param tuple(int, int) start_xy: :param list(tuple(int,int)) nodes: :rtype: list(tuple(int,int)) """ seen_nodes = {start_xy: 0} i = 0 while i < len(nodes): _, nxt = nodes[i] if nxt in seen_nodes: last_seen = seen_nodes[nxt] del nodes[last_seen:i + 1] i = last_seen else: i += 1 seen_nodes[nxt] = i return nodes def _is_ok(xy, node, machine): """ :param tuple(int, int) xy: :param tuple(int,tuple(int, int)) node: :param machine: :return: """ c_x, c_y = xy direction, (n_x, n_y) = node if machine.is_link_at(c_x, c_y, direction): if machine.is_chip_at(n_x, n_y): return True return False def _xy(node): _, (x, y) = node return (x, y) def _find_path(source_xy, target_xy, machine): xys_to_explore = deque([(source_xy, list())]) visited = set() while xys_to_explore: xy, path = xys_to_explore.popleft() if xy in visited: continue visited.add(xy) # If we have reached a target, add the path to the routes if xy == target_xy: return path for link in range(6): x, y = xy if machine.is_link_at(x, y, link): next_xy = machine.xy_over_link(x, y, link) if _is_open_chip(next_xy, [next_xy], visited, machine): new_path = list(path) new_path.append((link, next_xy)) xys_to_explore.append((next_xy, new_path)) raise PacmanRoutingException(f"No path from {source_xy} to {target_xy}") def _in_group(item, group): if group is None: return False return item in group def _convert_a_route( routing_tables, source_vertex, partition_id, first_incoming_processor, first_incoming_link, first_route, targets=None, use_source_for_targets=False, ensure_all_source=False): """ Convert the algorithm specific partition_route back to SpiNNaker and adds it to the routing_tables. :param MulticastRoutingTableByPartition routing_tables: spinnaker format routing tables :param source_vertex: The source to be added to the table :type source_vertex: ApplicationVertex or MachineVertex :param incoming_processor: processor this link came from :type incoming_processor: int or None :param incoming_link: link this link came from :type incoming_link: int or None :param RoutingTree route: algorithm specific format of the route :param targets: Targets for each chip. When present for a chip, the route links and cores are added to each entry in the targets. :type targets: dict(tuple(int,int),_Targets) or None :param bool use_source_for_targets: If true, targets for the given source_vertex will be requested; If false all targets for matching chips will be used. :param bool ensure_all_source: If true, ensures that all machine vertices of the source app vertex are covered in routes that continue forward """ to_process = [(first_incoming_processor, first_incoming_link, first_route)] while to_process: incoming_processor, incoming_link, route = to_process.pop() x, y = route.chip processor_ids = list() link_ids = list() for (link, next_hop) in route.children: if link is not None: link_ids.append(link) next_incoming_link = (link + 3) % 6 if next_hop is not None: to_process.append((None, next_incoming_link, next_hop)) if targets is not None and (x, y) in targets: chip_targets = targets[x, y] if use_source_for_targets: targets_by_source = [ chip_targets.get_targets_for_source(source_vertex)] else: targets_by_source = chip_targets.targets_by_source # We must ensure that all machine vertices of an app vertex # are covered! machine_vertex_sources = set() app_vertex_source = False for (source, (add_cores, add_links)) in targets_by_source: if isinstance(source, ApplicationVertex): app_vertex_source = True else: machine_vertex_sources.add(source) entry = MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry( link_ids + add_links, processor_ids + add_cores, incoming_processor, incoming_link) _add_routing_entry( first_route, routing_tables, entry, x, y, source, partition_id) # Now check the coverage of Application and machine vertices if ensure_all_source and not app_vertex_source: for m_vert in source_vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices( partition_id): if m_vert not in machine_vertex_sources: entry = MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry( link_ids, processor_ids, incoming_processor, incoming_link) _add_routing_entry( first_route, routing_tables, entry, x, y, m_vert, partition_id) else: entry = MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry( link_ids, processor_ids, incoming_processor, incoming_link) _add_routing_entry( first_route, routing_tables, entry, x, y, source_vertex, partition_id) def _add_routing_entry( first_route, routing_tables, entry, x, y, source, partition_id): try: routing_tables.add_path_entry(entry, x, y, source, partition_id) except Exception as e: print(f"Error adding route: {e}") _print_path(first_route) raise e def _print_path(first_route): to_process = [("", None, first_route)] last_is_leaf = False line = "" visited = set() while to_process: prefix, link, route = to_process.pop() if last_is_leaf: line += prefix to_add = "" if link is not None: to_add += f" -> {link} -> " to_add += f"{route.chip} ({route.label})" line += to_add prefix += " " * len(to_add) if route.chip in visited: print(line, "Loop!") line = "" last_is_leaf = True elif route.is_leaf: # This is a leaf last_is_leaf = True print(line) line = "" else: last_is_leaf = False for direction, next_route in route.children: to_process.append((prefix, direction, next_route)) visited.add(route.chip)