Source code for pacman.model.routing_table_by_partition.multicast_routing_table_by_partition_entry

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from pacman.exceptions import (
    PacmanConfigurationException, PacmanInvalidParameterException)
import logging

log = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

_INCOMING_LINK_MASK = 0x07000000
_OUTGOING_LINK_1 = 0x00000001
_OUTGOING_PROC_1 = 0x00000040
_N_PROCS = 18
_N_LINKS = 6

[docs]class MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry(object): """ An entry in a path of a multicast route. """ __slots__ = [ # Entry made up of bits as follows: # | IL = 6 bits | IP = 1 bit | OL = 6 bits | OP = 18 bits | # IL = incoming link id # IP = whether the source is a processor or not # OL = outgoing links # OP = outgoing processors "_links_and_procs" ] def __init__(self, out_going_links, outgoing_processors, incoming_processor=None, incoming_link=None): """ :param iterable(int) out_going_links: the edges this path entry goes down, each of which is between 0 and 5 :param iterable(int) outgoing_processors: the processors this path entry goes to, each of which is between 0 and 17 :param int incoming_processor: the direction this entry came from (between 0 and 17) :param int incoming_link: the direction this entry came from in link (between 0 and 5) :raises PacmanInvalidParameterException: """ self._links_and_procs = 0 if isinstance(out_going_links, int): self.__set_outgoing_links([out_going_links]) elif out_going_links is not None: self.__set_outgoing_links(out_going_links) if isinstance(outgoing_processors, int): self.__set_outgoing_procs([outgoing_processors]) elif outgoing_processors is not None: self.__set_outgoing_procs(outgoing_processors) if incoming_link is not None and incoming_processor is not None: raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "The incoming direction for a path can only be from either " "one link or one processors, not both", str(incoming_link), str(incoming_processor)) if incoming_processor is not None: self.__set_incoming_proc(incoming_processor) elif incoming_link is not None: self.__set_incoming_link(incoming_link) def __set_incoming_link(self, link): if link > _N_LINKS: raise ValueError(f"Link {link} > {_N_LINKS}") # Add one so that 0 means not set self._links_and_procs |= (link + 1) << _INCOMING_LINK_SHIFT def __set_incoming_proc(self, proc): if proc > _N_PROCS: raise ValueError(f"Processor {proc} > {_N_PROCS}") # Add one so that 0 means not set self._links_and_procs |= (proc + 1) << _INCOMING_PROC_SHIFT def __set_outgoing_links(self, links): for link in links: if link > _N_LINKS: raise ValueError(f"Link {link} > {_N_LINKS}") self._links_and_procs |= _OUTGOING_LINK_1 << link def __set_outgoing_procs(self, procs): for proc in procs: if proc > _N_PROCS: raise ValueError(f"Processor {proc} > {_N_PROCS}") self._links_and_procs |= _OUTGOING_PROC_1 << proc @property def processor_ids(self): """ The destination processors of the entry. :rtype: set(int) """ return set(i for i in range(_N_PROCS) if self._links_and_procs & (_OUTGOING_PROC_1 << i)) @property def link_ids(self): """ The destination links of the entry. :rtype: set(int) """ return set(i for i in range(_N_LINKS) if self._links_and_procs & (_OUTGOING_LINK_1 << i)) @property def incoming_link(self): """ The source link for this path entry. :rtype: int or None """ link = ((self._links_and_procs & _INCOMING_LINK_MASK) >> _INCOMING_LINK_SHIFT) if link == 0: return None # Subtract 1 as 0 means not set return link - 1 @incoming_link.setter def incoming_link(self, incoming_link): if self.incoming_processor is not None: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"Entry already has an incoming processor " f"{self.incoming_processor}") self_link = self.incoming_link if self_link is not None and self_link != incoming_link: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"Entry already has an incoming link {self_link}") self.__set_incoming_link(incoming_link) @property def incoming_processor(self): """ The source processor. :rtype: int or None """ proc = ((self._links_and_procs & _INCOMING_PROC_MASK) >> _INCOMING_PROC_SHIFT) if proc == 0: return None # Subtract 1 as 0 means not set return proc - 1 @incoming_processor.setter def incoming_processor(self, incoming_processor): if self.incoming_link is not None: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"Entry already has an incoming link {self.incoming_link}") self_proc = self.incoming_processor if self_proc is not None and self_proc != incoming_processor: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"Entry already has an incoming processor {self_proc}") self.__set_incoming_proc(incoming_processor) @property def defaultable(self): """ The defaultable status of the entry. :rtype: bool """ if self.incoming_processor is not None: return False in_link = self.incoming_link if in_link is None: return False out_links = self.link_ids if len(out_links) != 1: return False if self.processor_ids: return False out_link = next(iter(out_links)) return ((in_link + 3) % 6) == out_link @staticmethod def __merge_none_or_equal(p1, p2, name): if p1 is None: return p2 if p2 is None or p2 == p1: return p1 raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( name, "invalid merge", "The two MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry have " "different " + name + "s, and so can't be merged")
[docs] def merge_entry(self, other): """ Merges the another entry with this one and returns a new MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry :param MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry other: the entry to merge into this one :return: a merged MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry :raises PacmanInvalidParameterException: """ # pylint:disable=protected-access if not isinstance(other, MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry): raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "other", "type error", "The other parameter is not an instance of " "MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry, and therefore cannot " "be merged.") # validate incoming try: in_proc = self.__merge_none_or_equal( self.incoming_processor, other.incoming_processor, "incoming_processor") in_link = self.__merge_none_or_equal( self.incoming_link, other.incoming_link, "incoming_link") if in_proc is not None and in_link is not None: raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "other", "merge error", f"Cannot merge {other} and {self}: both incoming processor" " and link are set") except PacmanInvalidParameterException as e: log.error("Error merging entry {} into {}", other, self) raise e # Set the value directly as faster entry = MulticastRoutingTableByPartitionEntry(None, None) entry._links_and_procs = self._links_and_procs | other._links_and_procs return entry
def __repr__(self): return "{}:{}:{}:{{{}}}:{{{}}}".format( self.incoming_link, self.incoming_processor, self.defaultable, ", ".join(map(str, self.link_ids)), ", ".join(map(str, self.processor_ids)))
[docs] def has_same_route(self, entry): # pylint:disable=protected-access return ((self._links_and_procs & _COMPARE_MASK) == (entry._links_and_procs & _COMPARE_MASK))
@property def spinnaker_route(self): return self._links_and_procs & _SPINNAKER_ROUTE_MASK