Source code for pacman.model.routing_info.app_vertex_routing_info

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from .vertex_routing_info import VertexRoutingInfo
from spinn_machine.multicast_routing_entry import MulticastRoutingEntry
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides

import math
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AppVertexRoutingInfo(VertexRoutingInfo): __slots__ = [ "__app_vertex", "__machine_mask", "__n_bits_atoms", "__max_machine_index"] def __init__( self, keys_and_masks, partition_id, app_vertex, machine_mask, n_bits_atoms, max_machine_index): super(AppVertexRoutingInfo, self).__init__( keys_and_masks, partition_id) self.__app_vertex = app_vertex self.__machine_mask = machine_mask self.__n_bits_atoms = n_bits_atoms self.__max_machine_index = max_machine_index
[docs] def merge_machine_entries(self, entries): n_entries = len(entries) (_, _, _, last_r_info) = entries[-1] is_last = last_r_info.index == self.__max_machine_index i = 0 while i < n_entries: # The maximum number of next entries (_, _, entry, r_info) = entries[i] next_entries = self.__n_sequential_entries(r_info.index, n_entries) # If that is OK, we can just use them if next_entries <= (n_entries - i) or is_last: mask = self.__group_mask(next_entries) yield MulticastRoutingEntry( r_info.key, mask, defaultable=entry.defaultable, spinnaker_route=entry.spinnaker_route) i += next_entries # Otherwise, we have to break down into powers of two else: entries_to_go = n_entries - i while entries_to_go > 0: next_entries = 2 ** int(math.log2(entries_to_go)) mask = self.__group_mask(next_entries) (_, _, entry, r_info) = entries[i] yield MulticastRoutingEntry( r_info.key, mask, defaultable=entry.defaultable, spinnaker_route=entry.spinnaker_route) entries_to_go -= next_entries i += next_entries
def __group_mask(self, n_entries): return self.__machine_mask - ((n_entries - 1) << self.__n_bits_atoms) def __n_sequential_entries(self, i, n_entries): # This finds the maximum number of entries that can be joined following # the starting entry index. This is calculated by finding how many # zero bits are in the least significant position in the index. These # can then be masked out to merge entries. # Works because -v == not v + 1 if i > 0: return i & -i return 2 ** int(math.ceil(math.log2(n_entries))) @property @overrides(VertexRoutingInfo.vertex) def vertex(self): return self.__app_vertex @property def machine_mask(self): """ The mask that covers a specific machine vertex. :rtype: int """ return self.__machine_mask @property def n_bits_atoms(self): """ The number of bits for the atoms. :rtype: int """ return self.__n_bits_atoms