Source code for pacman.model.partitioner_splitters.abstract_splitters.abstract_splitter_common

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractmethod
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanConfigurationException

[docs]class AbstractSplitterCommon(object, metaclass=AbstractBase): """ Common base class for vertex splitters, defining some utility methods. """ __slots__ = [ # the app vertex this splitter governs. "_governed_app_vertex", ] FIX_ATOMS_RESET = ( "Illegal attempt to set fixed atoms per core to {} " "as it was already set to {}") MAX_BELOW_FIXED = ( "Illegal attempt to set max atoms per core to {} " "as that is lower than the previously set fixed of {}") FIXED_ABOVE_MAX = ( "Illegal attempt to set fixed atoms per core to {} " "as that is above a previously set max atoms of {}") def __init__(self): self._governed_app_vertex = None def __str__(self): try: return ( f"{type(self).__name__} on {self._governed_app_vertex.label}") except AttributeError: return f"{type(self).__name__} has no governed_app_vertex" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def governed_app_vertex(self): """ The app vertex to be governed by this splitter object. If `None`, not yet set. :rtype: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex """ return self._governed_app_vertex
[docs] def set_governed_app_vertex(self, app_vertex): """ Sets a app vertex to be governed by this splitter object. Once set it can't be reset. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex app_vertex: the app vertex to govern :raises PacmanConfigurationException: if the app vertex has already been set. """ if self._governed_app_vertex == app_vertex: return if self._governed_app_vertex is not None: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"The app vertex {self._governed_app_vertex} is already" f" governed by this splitter. ") self._governed_app_vertex = app_vertex app_vertex.splitter = self
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_machine_vertices(self, chip_counter): """ Method for specific splitter objects to override. :param ~pacman.utilities.utility_objs.ChipCounter chip_counter: counter of used chips """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_out_going_slices(self): """ The slices of the output vertices. :return: list of Slices :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_in_coming_slices(self): """ The slices of the input vertices. :return: list of Slices :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_out_going_vertices(self, partition_id): """ Get machine pre-vertices. The output vertices are the ones that will serve as source vertices for external edges. :param str partition_id: The identifier of the outgoing partition :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_in_coming_vertices(self, partition_id): """ Get machine post-vertices for a given partition. The input vertices are the ones that will serve as target vertices for external edges. .. note:: This method returns all that could be used for any source machine vertex in the given partition. :param str partition_id: The identifier of the incoming partition :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex) """
[docs] def get_source_specific_in_coming_vertices( self, source_vertex, partition_id): """ Get machine post-vertices for a given source. The input vertices are the ones that will serve as target vertices for external edges. .. note:: This method allows filtering of the targets for a specific source machine vertex. This default method makes every machine vertex a target for the source. This should be overridden if there are specific machine vertices for any given source vertex. :param source_vertex: The source to get incoming vertices for :type source_vertex: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex :param str partition_id: The identifier of the incoming partition :return: A list of tuples of (target machine vertex, list of source machine or application vertices that should hit the target) :rtype: list(tuple(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex, list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex or ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex))) """ return [(m_vertex, [source_vertex]) for m_vertex in self.get_in_coming_vertices(partition_id)]
[docs] @abstractmethod def machine_vertices_for_recording(self, variable_to_record): """ Gets the machine vertices which are recording this variable. :param str variable_to_record: the variable to get machine verts for. :return: list of machine vertices :rtype: iterable(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def reset_called(self): """ Reset the splitter to be as if it has not operated a splitting yet. """
[docs] def get_same_chip_groups(self): """ Get a list of lists of vertices and sdram which must be allocated on the same chip. By default this returns a list of each machine vertex and its SDRAM; override if there are groups of machine vertices on the same chip. :rtype: list(list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex), ~pacman.model.resources.AbstractSDRAM) """ return [([v], v.sdram_required) for v in self._governed_app_vertex.machine_vertices]
[docs] def get_internal_multicast_partitions(self): """ Get edge partitions between machine vertices that are to be handled by Multicast. Returns empty by default, override if there are Multicast connections between internal vertices :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MulticastEdgePartition) """ return []
[docs] def get_internal_sdram_partitions(self): """ Get edge partitions between machine vertices that are to be handled by SDRAM. Returns empty by default, override if there are SDRAM connections between internal vertices :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.AbstractSDRAMPartition) """ return []