Source code for pacman.model.graphs.machine.source_segmented_sdram_machine_partition

# Copyright (c) 2019 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from pacman.exceptions import (
    PacmanConfigurationException, PartitionMissingEdgesException)
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractMultiplePartition
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import (
    AbstractSDRAMPartition, SDRAMMachineEdge)

[docs]class SourceSegmentedSDRAMMachinePartition( AbstractMultiplePartition, AbstractSDRAMPartition): """ An SDRAM partition that gives each edge its own slice of memory from a contiguous block. The edges all have the same destination vertex. """ __slots__ = [ "_sdram_base_address", ] def __init__(self, identifier, pre_vertices): """ :param str identifier: The identifier of the partition :param str label: A label of the partition :param iterable(~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractVertex) pre_vertices: The vertices that an edge in this partition may originate at """ super().__init__( pre_vertices, identifier, allowed_edge_types=SDRAMMachineEdge) self._sdram_base_address = None
[docs] def total_sdram_requirements(self): """ :rtype: int """ return sum(edge.sdram_size for edge in self.edges)
@property def sdram_base_address(self): """ :rtype: int """ return self._sdram_base_address
[docs] @overrides(AbstractMultiplePartition.add_edge) def add_edge(self, edge): # check if len(self._destinations): if edge.post_vertex not in self._destinations: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"The {self.__class__.__name__} can only support " "1 destination vertex") try: if len(self._pre_vertices[edge.pre_vertex]) != 0: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"The {self.__class__.__name__} only supports 1 edge from " "a given pre vertex.") except KeyError as ex: raise PacmanConfigurationException( "Edge pre_vertex is not a Partition. pre vertex") from ex # add super().add_edge(edge)
@sdram_base_address.setter def sdram_base_address(self, new_value): if len(self.pre_vertices) != len(self.edges): raise PartitionMissingEdgesException( f"There are {len(self.pre_vertices)} pre vertices " f"but only {len(self.edges)} edges") self._sdram_base_address = new_value for pre_vertex in self._pre_vertices.keys(): # allocate for the pre_vertex edge = self._pre_vertices[pre_vertex].peek() edge.sdram_base_address = new_value new_value += edge.sdram_size
[docs] @overrides(AbstractSDRAMPartition.get_sdram_base_address_for) def get_sdram_base_address_for(self, vertex): if self._sdram_base_address is None: return None if vertex in self._pre_vertices: edge = self._pre_vertices[vertex].peek() return edge.sdram_base_address else: return self._sdram_base_address
[docs] @overrides(AbstractSDRAMPartition.get_sdram_size_of_region_for) def get_sdram_size_of_region_for(self, vertex): if vertex in self._pre_vertices: edge = self._pre_vertices[vertex].peek() return edge.sdram_size else: return self.total_sdram_requirements()