Source code for pacman.model.graphs.application.application_vertex

# Copyright (c) 2016 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import logging
import numpy
from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractproperty
from spinn_utilities.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from pacman.exceptions import (
    PacmanConfigurationException, PacmanInvalidParameterException)
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVertex
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__file__))

[docs]class ApplicationVertex(AbstractVertex, metaclass=AbstractBase): """ A vertex that can be broken down into a number of smaller vertices based on the resources that the vertex requires. """ __slots__ = [ # List of machine verts associated with this app vertex "_machine_vertices", # The splitter object associated with this app vertex "_splitter", # The maximum number of atoms for each dimension for each core. # For example, a 2D vertex might have a shape of 640 by 480 with # rectangles on each core or 32 by 16. # Typically all but possibly the last core will have this number. If # the vertex has multiple dimensions, one or more of the dimensions # might have fewer atoms on the last core (e.g. the rectangle on the # last core of a 2D vertex might be smaller). "_max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core"] def __init__(self, label=None, max_atoms_per_core=None, splitter=None): """ :param str label: The optional name of the vertex. :param max_atoms_per_core: The max number of atoms that can be placed on a core for each dimension, used in partitioning. If the vertex is n-dimensional, with n > 1, the value must be a tuple with a value for each dimension. If it is single-dimensional the value can be a 1-tuple or an int. :type max_atoms_per_core: None or int or tuple(int,...) :param splitter: The splitter object needed for this vertex. Leave as `None` to delegate the choice of splitter to the selector. :type splitter: None or ~pacman.model.partitioner_interfaces.AbstractSplitterPartitioner """ # Need to set to None temporarily as add_constraint checks splitter self._splitter = None super().__init__(label) self._machine_vertices = OrderedSet() # Use setter as there is extra work to do self.splitter = splitter # Keep the name for simplicity but move to new internal representation self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core = max_atoms_per_core if isinstance(max_atoms_per_core, int): self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core = (max_atoms_per_core, ) def __str__(self): return self.label def __repr__(self): if self.get_fixed_location(): return (f"ApplicationVertex({self.label}," f" at{self.get_fixed_location()})") else: return f"ApplicationVertex({self.label})" @property def splitter(self): """ :rtype: ~pacman.model.partitioner_interfaces.AbstractSplitterPartitioner """ return self._splitter @splitter.setter def splitter(self, new_value): """ Sets the splitter object. Does not allow repeated settings. :param new_value: The new splitter object :type new_value: ~pacman.model.partitioner_interfaces.AbstractSplitterPartitioner """ if self._splitter == new_value: return if self._splitter is not None: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"The splitter object on {self._label} has already been set, " "it cannot be reset. Please fix and try again.") self._splitter = new_value self._splitter.set_governed_app_vertex(self)
[docs] def remember_machine_vertex(self, machine_vertex): """ Adds the machine vertex to the iterable returned by machine_vertices :param ~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex machine_vertex: A pointer to a machine_vertex """ machine_vertex.index = len(self._machine_vertices) self._machine_vertices.add(machine_vertex)
@property def atoms_shape(self): """ The "shape" of the atoms in the vertex i.e. how the atoms are split between the dimensions of the vertex. By default everything is 1-dimensional, so the value will be a 1-tuple but can be overridden by a vertex that supports multiple dimensions. :rtype: tuple(int, ...) """ return (self.n_atoms,) @abstractproperty def n_atoms(self): """ The number of atoms in the vertex. :rtype: int """
[docs] def round_n_atoms(self, n_atoms, label="n_atoms"): """ Utility function to allow suoer-classes to make sure `n_atoms` is an integer. :param n_atoms: Value convertible to int to be used for `n_atoms` :type n_atoms: int or float or numpy. :return: Number of atoms. :rtype: int """ if isinstance(n_atoms, int): return n_atoms # Allow a float which has a near int value temp = int(round(n_atoms)) if abs(temp - n_atoms) < 0.001: if temp != n_atoms: logger.warning( "Size of the {} rounded from {} to {}. " "Please use int values for n_atoms", label, n_atoms, temp) return temp raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( label, n_atoms, f"int value expected for {label}")
@property def machine_vertices(self): """ The machine vertices that this application vertex maps to. :rtype: iterable(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex) """ return self._machine_vertices
[docs] def get_max_atoms_per_core(self): """ Gets the maximum number of atoms per core, which is either the number of atoms required across the whole application vertex, or a lower value set. :rtype: int """ if self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core is None: return self.n_atoms return int(
[docs] def get_max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core(self): """ Gets the maximum number of atoms per dimension per core. This will return a tuple with a number for each dimension of the vertex, which might be one if this is a single-dimension vertex. :rtype: tuple(int,...) """ if self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core is None: return self.atoms_shape return self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core
[docs] def set_max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core(self, new_value): """ Set the maximum number of atoms per dimension per core. Can be used to raise or lower the maximum number of atoms per core or per dimension per core. :param new_value: Value to set. If the vertex is n-dimensional where n > 1, a tuple of n values must be given. If the vertex is 1 dimensional, a 1-tuple or integer can be given. If this is set to `None` the vertex will have atoms_shape as the maximum. :type new_value: None or int or tuple(int,...) """ self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core = new_value if isinstance(new_value, int): self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core = (new_value, ) if (len(self._max_atoms_per_dimension_per_core) != len(self.atoms_shape)): raise ValueError( "The number of dimensions of new_value must be the same as the" " number of dimensions of atoms_shape")
[docs] def reset(self): """ Forget all machine vertices in the application vertex, and reset the splitter (if any). """ self._machine_vertices = OrderedSet() if self._splitter is not None: self._splitter.reset_called()
[docs] def get_machine_fixed_key_and_mask(self, machine_vertex, partition_id): """ Get a fixed key and mask for the given machine vertex and partition identifier, or `None` if not fixed (the default). If this doesn't return `None`, get_fixed_key_and_mask must also not return `None`, and the keys returned here must align with those such that for each key:mask returned here, key & app_mask == app_key. It is OK for this to return `None` and get_fixed_key_and_mask to return not `None` iff there is only one machine vertex. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex machine_vertex: A source machine vertex of this application vertex :param str partition_id: The identifier of the partition to get the key for :rtype: ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask or None """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return None
[docs] def get_fixed_key_and_mask(self, partition_id): """ Get a fixed key and mask for the application vertex or `None` if not fixed (the default). See :py:meth:`get_machine_gixed_key_and_mask` for the conditions. :param str partition_id: The identifier of the partition to get the key for :rtype: ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask or None """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return None
[docs] def add_incoming_edge(self, edge, partition): """ Add an edge incoming to this vertex. This is ignored by default, but could be used to track incoming edges, and/or report faults. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationEdge edge: The edge to add. :param partition: The partition to add the edge to. :type partition: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationEdgePartition """