Source code for pacman.model.graphs.application.abstract.abstract_2d_device_vertex

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractproperty
import math
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanConfigurationException
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import get_n_bits
from pacman.utilities.constants import BITS_IN_KEY
from pacman.model.routing_info.base_key_and_mask import BaseKeyAndMask
from pacman.model.graphs.common.slice import Slice

[docs]class Abstract2DDeviceVertex(object, metaclass=AbstractBase): """ A helper for 2D input devices. .. note:: This assumes that the input keys will contain a field for each of the X and Y dimensions with X field in the LSBs and the Y field in the next adjacent bits. If the fields are in different places, override the methods: `_source_x_shift`, `_source_y_shift`, `_source_x_mask` and `_source_y_mask`. If the key has bits in addition to the X and Y values, you can also override `_key_shift`. """ @abstractproperty def _width(self): """ The width of the device. :rtype: int """ @abstractproperty def _height(self): """ The height of the device. :rtype: int """ @abstractproperty def _sub_width(self): """ The width of the sub-rectangles to divide the input into. :rtype: int """ @abstractproperty def _sub_height(self): """ The height of the sub-rectangles to divide the input into. :rtype: int """ def __is_power_of_2(self, v): """ Determine if a value is a power of 2. :param int v: The value to test :rtype: bool """ return (v & (v - 1) == 0) and (v != 0) def _verify_sub_size(self): """ Ensure the sub width and height are within restrictions. """ if not self.__is_power_of_2(self._sub_width): raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"sub_width ({self._sub_width}) must be a power of 2") if not self.__is_power_of_2(self._sub_height): raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"sub_height ({self._sub_height}) must be a power of 2") if self._sub_width > self._width: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"sub_width ({self._sub_width}) must not be greater than " f"width ({self._width})") if self._sub_height > self._height: raise PacmanConfigurationException( f"sub_height ({self._sub_height}) must not be greater than " f"height ({self._height})") @property def _n_sub_rectangles(self): """ The number of sub-rectangles the device is made up of. :rtype: int """ return (int(math.ceil(self._width / self._sub_width)) * int(math.ceil(self._height / self._sub_height))) def _sub_square_from_index(self, index): """ Work out the x and y components of the index. :param int index: The index of the sub square :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ n_squares_per_row = int(math.ceil( self._width / self._sub_width)) x_index = index % n_squares_per_row y_index = index // n_squares_per_row # Return the information return x_index, y_index def _get_slice(self, index): """ Get the slice for the given machine vertex index. :param int index: The machine vertex index :rtype: Slice """ x_index, y_index = self._sub_square_from_index(index) lo_atom_x = x_index * self._sub_width lo_atom_y = y_index * self._sub_height n_atoms_per_subsquare = self._sub_width * self._sub_height lo_atom = index * n_atoms_per_subsquare hi_atom = (lo_atom + n_atoms_per_subsquare) - 1 return Slice( lo_atom, hi_atom, (self._sub_width, self._sub_height), (lo_atom_x, lo_atom_y)) def _get_key_and_mask(self, base_key, index): """ Get the key and mask of the given machine vertex index. :param int base_key: The unshifted key to use :param int index: The machine vertex index :rtype: BaseKeyAndMask """ x_index, y_index = self._sub_square_from_index(index) key_bits = base_key << self._key_shift key = (key_bits + (y_index << self._y_index_shift) + (x_index << self._x_index_shift)) return BaseKeyAndMask(key, self._mask) @property def _mask(self): """ The mask to be used for the key. :rtype: int """ n_key_bits = BITS_IN_KEY - self._key_shift key_mask = (1 << n_key_bits) - 1 sub_x_mask = (1 << self._sub_x_bits) - 1 sub_y_mask = (1 << self._sub_y_bits) - 1 return ((key_mask << self._key_shift) + (sub_y_mask << self._y_index_shift) + (sub_x_mask << self._x_index_shift)) @property def _key_fields(self): """ The fields in the key for X and Y. :return: (start, size, mask, shift) for each of X and Y :rtype: tuple(tuple(int, int, int int), tuple(int, int, int, int)) """ return ((0, self._width, self._source_x_mask, self._source_x_shift), (0, self._height, self._source_y_mask, self._source_y_shift)) @property def _x_bits(self): """ The number of bits to use for X. :rtype: int """ return get_n_bits(self._width) @property def _y_bits(self): """ The number of bits to use for Y. :rtype: int """ return get_n_bits(self._height) @property def _sub_x_bits(self): """ The number of bits to use for the X coordinate of a sub-rectangle. :rtype: int """ n_per_row = int(math.ceil(self._width / self._sub_width)) return get_n_bits(n_per_row) @property def _sub_y_bits(self): """ The number of bits to use for the Y coordinate of a sub-rectangle. :rtype: int """ n_per_col = int(math.ceil(self._height / self._sub_height)) return get_n_bits(n_per_col) @property def _x_index_shift(self): """ The shift to apply to the key to get the sub-X coordinate. :rtype: int """ return self._source_x_shift + (self._x_bits - self._sub_x_bits) @property def _y_index_shift(self): """ The shift to apply to the key to get the sub-Y coordinate. :rtype: int """ return self._source_y_shift + (self._y_bits - self._sub_y_bits) @property def _source_x_mask(self): """ The mask to apply to the key *before* shifting to get the X coordinate. :rtype: int """ return (1 << self._x_bits) - 1 @property def _source_x_shift(self): """ The shift to apply to the key *after* masking to get the X coordinate. :rtype: int """ return 0 @property def _source_y_mask(self): """ The mask to apply to the key *before* shifting to get the Y coordinate. :rtype: int """ return ((1 << self._y_bits) - 1) << self._x_bits @property def _source_y_shift(self): """ The shift to apply to the key *after* masking to get the Y coordinate. :rtype: int """ return self._x_bits @property def _key_shift(self): """ The shift to apply to the key to get the base key. :rtype: int """ return self._y_bits + self._x_bits