Source code for pacman.model.graphs.abstract_edge_partition

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractproperty
from spinn_utilities.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from pacman.exceptions import (
    PacmanInvalidParameterException, PacmanAlreadyExistsException)

[docs]class AbstractEdgePartition(object, metaclass=AbstractBase): """ A collection of edges which start at a single vertex which have the same semantics and so can share a single key or block of SDRAM (depending on edge type). """ __slots__ = [ # The partition identifier "_identifier", # The edges in the partition "_edges", # The type of edges to accept "_allowed_edge_types" ] def __init__( self, identifier, allowed_edge_types): """ :param str identifier: The identifier of the partition :param allowed_edge_types: The types of edges allowed :type allowed_edge_types: type or tuple(type, ...) :param str label: An optional label of the partition """ self._identifier = identifier self._allowed_edge_types = allowed_edge_types self._edges = OrderedSet()
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge): """ Add an edge to the edge partition. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdge edge: the edge to add :raises PacmanInvalidParameterException: If the edge does not belong in this edge partition """ # Check for an incompatible edge if not isinstance(edge, self._allowed_edge_types): raise PacmanInvalidParameterException( "edge", str(edge.__class__), "Edges of this graph must be one of the following types:" f" {self._allowed_edge_types}") if edge in self._edges: raise PacmanAlreadyExistsException("Edge", edge) self._edges.add(edge)
@property def identifier(self): """ The identifier of this edge partition. :rtype: str """ return self._identifier @property def edges(self): """ The edges in this edge partition. .. note:: The order in which the edges are added is preserved for when they are requested later. If not, please talk to the software team. :rtype: iterable(~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdge) """ return self._edges @property def n_edges(self): """ The number of edges in the edge partition. :rtype: int """ return len(self._edges) def __repr__(self): return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(identifier={self.identifier}" f", n_edges={self.n_edges})") def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __contains__(self, edge): """ Check if the edge is contained within this partition. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractEdge edge: the edge to search for. :rtype: bool """ return edge in self._edges @abstractproperty def pre_vertices(self): """ The vertices associated with this partition. .. note:: Most edge partitions will be :py:class:`AbstractSingleSourcePartition` and therefore provide the ``pre_vertex`` method. :rtype: iterable(~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractVertex) """