Source code for data_specification.enums.data_type

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import decimal
import struct
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np

[docs]class DataType(Enum): """ Supported data types. Internally, these are actually tuples. #. an identifier for the enum class; #. the size in bytes of the type; #. the minimum possible value for the type; #. the maximum possible value for the type; #. the scale of the input value to convert it in integer; #. the pattern to use following the struct package encodings to convert the data in binary format; #. is whether to apply the scaling when converting to SpiNNaker's binary format. #. the corresponding numpy type (or None to inhibit direct conversion via numpy, scaled conversion still supported); #. the text description of the type. .. note:: Some types (notably 64-bit fixed-point and floating-point types) are not recommended for use on SpiNNaker due to complications with representability and lack of hardware/library support. """ #: 8-bit unsigned integer UINT8 = (0, 1, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("255"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "B", False, int, np.uint8, "8-bit unsigned integer") #: 16-bit unsigned integer UINT16 = (1, 2, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("65535"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "H", False, int, np.uint16, "16-bit unsigned integer") #: 32-bit unsigned integer UINT32 = (2, 4, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("4294967295"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "I", False, int, np.uint32, "32-bit unsigned integer") #: 64-bit unsigned integer UINT64 = (3, 8, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("18446744073709551615"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "Q", False, int, np.uint64, "64-bit unsigned integer") #: 8-bit signed integer INT8 = (4, 1, decimal.Decimal("-128"), decimal.Decimal("127"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "b", False, int, np.int8, "8-bit signed integer") #: 16-bit signed integer INT16 = (5, 2, decimal.Decimal("-32768"), decimal.Decimal("32767"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "h", False, int, np.int16, "16-bit signed integer") #: 32-bit signed integer INT32 = (6, 4, decimal.Decimal("-2147483648"), decimal.Decimal("2147483647"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "i", False, int, np.int32, "32-bit signed integer") #: 64-bit signed integer INT64 = (7, 8, decimal.Decimal("-9223372036854775808"), decimal.Decimal("9223372036854775807"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "q", False, int, np.int64, "64-bit signed integer") #: 8.8 unsigned fixed point number U88 = (8, 2, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("255.99609375"), decimal.Decimal("256"), "H", True, None, np.uint16, "8.8 unsigned fixed point number") #: 16.16 unsigned fixed point number U1616 = (9, 4, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("65535.9999847"), decimal.Decimal("65536"), "I", True, None, np.uint32, "16.16 unsigned fixed point number") #: 32.32 unsigned fixed point number #: (use *not* recommended: representability) U3232 = (10, 8, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("4294967295.99999999976716935634613037109375"), decimal.Decimal("4294967296"), "Q", True, None, np.uint64, "32.32 unsigned fixed point number") # rounding problem for max #: 8.7 signed fixed point number S87 = (11, 2, decimal.Decimal("-256"), decimal.Decimal("255.9921875"), decimal.Decimal("128"), "h", True, None, np.int16, "8.7 signed fixed point number") #: 16.15 signed fixed point number S1615 = (12, 4, decimal.Decimal("-65536"), decimal.Decimal("65535.999969482421875"), decimal.Decimal("32768"), "i", True, None, np.int32, "16.15 signed fixed point number") #: 32.31 signed fixed point number #: (use *not* recommended: representability) S3231 = (13, 8, decimal.Decimal("-4294967296"), decimal.Decimal("4294967295.9999999995343387126922607421875"), decimal.Decimal("2147483648"), "q", True, None, np.int64, "32.31 signed fixed point number") # rounding problem for max #: 32-bit floating point number FLOAT_32 = (14, 4, decimal.Decimal("-3.4028234e38"), decimal.Decimal("3.4028234e38"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "f", False, float, np.float32, "32-bit floating point number") #: 64-bit floating point number #: (use *not* recommended: hardware/library support inadequate) FLOAT_64 = (15, 8, decimal.Decimal("-1.7976931348623157e+308"), decimal.Decimal("1.7976931348623157e+308"), decimal.Decimal("1"), "d", False, float, np.float64, "64-bit floating point number") #: 0.8 unsigned fixed point number U08 = (16, 1, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("0.99609375"), decimal.Decimal("256"), "B", True, None, np.uint16, "0.8 unsigned fixed point number") #: 0.16 unsigned fixed point number U016 = (17, 2, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("0.999984741211"), decimal.Decimal("65536"), "H", True, None, np.uint16, "0.16 unsigned fixed point number") #: 0.32 unsigned fixed point number U032 = (18, 4, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal("0.99999999976716935634613037109375"), decimal.Decimal("4294967296"), "I", True, None, np.uint32, "0.32 unsigned fixed point number") #: 0.64 unsigned fixed point number #: (use *not* recommended: representability) U064 = (19, 8, decimal.Decimal("0"), decimal.Decimal( "0.9999999999999999999457898913757247782996273599565029"), decimal.Decimal("18446744073709551616"), "Q", True, None, np.uint64, "0.64 unsigned fixed point number") # rounding problem for max #: 0.7 signed fixed point number S07 = (20, 1, decimal.Decimal("-1"), decimal.Decimal("0.9921875"), decimal.Decimal("128"), "b", True, None, np.int8, "0.7 signed fixed point number") #: 0.15 signed fixed point number S015 = (21, 2, decimal.Decimal("-1"), decimal.Decimal("0.999969482421875"), decimal.Decimal("32768"), "h", True, None, np.int16, "0.15 signed fixed point number") #: 0.32 signed fixed point number S031 = (22, 4, decimal.Decimal("-1"), decimal.Decimal("0.99999999976716935634613037109375"), decimal.Decimal("2147483648"), "i", True, None, np.int32, "0.32 signed fixed point number") #: 0.63 signed fixed point number #: (use *not* recommended: representability) S063 = (23, 8, decimal.Decimal("-1"), decimal.Decimal( "0.9999999999999999998915797827514495565992547199130058"), decimal.Decimal("9223372036854775808"), "q", True, None, np.int64, "0.63 signed fixed point number") # rounding problem for max def __new__(cls, value, size, min_val, max_val, scale, struct_encoding, apply_scale, force_cast, numpy_typename, doc=""): # pylint: disable=protected-access, too-many-arguments obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value obj.__doc__ = doc obj._size = size obj._min = min_val obj._max = max_val obj._scale = scale obj._struct_encoding = struct_encoding obj._numpy_typename = numpy_typename obj._apply_scale = apply_scale obj._force_cast = force_cast if size == 1: struct_encoding += "xxx" elif size == 2: struct_encoding += "xx" obj._struct = struct.Struct("<" + struct_encoding) return obj @property def size(self): """ The size in bytes of the type. :rtype: int """ return self._size @property def min(self): """ The minimum possible value for the type. :rtype: ~decimal.Decimal """ return self._min @property def max(self): """ The maximum possible value for the type. :rtype: ~decimal.Decimal """ return self._max @property def scale(self): """ The scale of the input value to convert it in integer. :rtype: ~decimal.Decimal """ return self._scale @property def struct_encoding(self): """ The encoding string used for struct. Scaling may also be required. :rtype: str """ return self._struct_encoding @property def numpy_typename(self): """ The corresponding numpy type, if one exists. """ return self._numpy_typename
[docs] def encode_as_int(self, value): """ Returns the value as an integer, according to this type. :param value: :type value: float or int :rtype: int """ if self._apply_scale: # Deal with the cases that return np.int64 or np.int32 # (e.g. RandomDistribution when using 'poisson', 'binomial' etc.) # The less than raises TypeError even with int32 on some numpy if isinstance(value, np.integer): value = int(value) if not (self._min <= value <= self._max): raise ValueError( f"value {value:f} cannot be converted to {self.__doc__}" ": out of range") return int(round(decimal.Decimal(str(value)) * self._scale)) if self._force_cast is not None: return self._force_cast(value) return value
[docs] def encode_as_numpy_int(self, value): """ Returns the value as a numpy integer, according to this type. .. note:: Only works with integer and fixed point data types. :param value: :type value: float or int :rtype: ~numpy.uint32 """ return np.round(self.encode_as_int(value)).astype(self.struct_encoding)
[docs] def encode_as_numpy_int_array(self, array): """ Returns the numpy array as an integer numpy array, according to this type. :param ~numpy.ndarray array: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ if self._apply_scale: # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return where = np.logical_or(array < self._min, self._max < array) if where.any(): raise ValueError( f"value {array[where][0]:f} cannot be converted to " f"{self.__doc__}: out of range") return np.round(array * float(self._scale)).astype("uint32") if self._force_cast is not None: return np.array([self._force_cast(x) for x in array]).astype( "uint32") return np.array(array)
[docs] def encode(self, value): """ Encode the Python value for SpiNNaker according to this type. :param value: :type value: float or int :rtype: bytes """ return self._struct.pack(self.encode_as_int(value))
[docs] def decode_numpy_array(self, array): """ Decode the numpy array of SpiNNaker values according to this type. :param ~numpy.ndarray(~numpy.uint32) array: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray(~numpy.uint32 or ~numpy.float64) """ return array / float(self._scale)
[docs] def decode_array(self, values): """ Decodes a byte array into iterable of this type. :param values: the bytes to decode into this given data type :rtype: numpy array """ array = np.asarray(values, dtype="uint8").view( dtype=self.numpy_typename) if self._apply_scale: return array / float(self.scale) return array