Source code for data_specification.data_specification_executor

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import struct
import functools
import numpy
import math
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from .data_specification_executor_functions import (
from .constants import (
from .enums import Commands
from .exceptions import DataSpecificationException
from .memory_region_real import MemoryRegionReal

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
_ONE_WORD = struct.Struct("<I")

[docs]class DataSpecificationExecutor(object): """ Used to execute a SpiNNaker data specification language file to produce a memory image. """ __slots__ = [ # The object to read the specification language file "_spec_reader", # The executer functions "dsef", # The pointer table (Empty until executed) "__pointer_table" ] TABLE_TYPE = numpy.dtype( [("pointer", "<u4"), ("checksum", "<u4"), ("n_words", "<u4")]) def __init__(self, spec_reader, memory_space): """ :param ~io.RawIOBase spec_reader: The object to read the specification language file from :param int memory_space: memory available on the destination architecture :raise IOError: If a read or write fails """ #: The object to read the specification to execute. self._spec_reader = spec_reader #: The executor functions themselves. self.dsef = DataSpecificationExecutorFunctions( self._spec_reader, memory_space) # TODO: make the dsef field a private detail of the executor # Currently accessed directly from FEC to get memory regions... #: The pointer table (Empty until executed) self.__pointer_table = numpy.zeros( MAX_MEM_REGIONS, dtype=self.TABLE_TYPE) def __operation_func(self, cmd, index): """ Decode the command and select an implementation of the command. """ try: opcode = (cmd >> 20) & 0xFF # noinspection PyArgumentList # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter return functools.partial(Commands(opcode).exec_function, self.dsef) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logger.debug("problem decoding opcode %d at index %d", cmd, index, exc_info=True) raise DataSpecificationException( f"Invalid command 0x{cmd:X} while reading " f"file {self._spec_reader.filename}") from e
[docs] def execute(self): """ Executes the specification. This will result in a configuration of memory regions being created (but not actually uploaded to SpiNNaker). :raise IOError: If a read or write fails :raise DataSpecificationException: If there is an error when executing the specification :raise TablePointerOutOfMemoryException: If the table pointer generated as data header exceeds the size of the available memory """ index = 0 instruction_spec = while instruction_spec: # process the received command cmd = _ONE_WORD.unpack(instruction_spec)[0] operation_fn = self.__operation_func(cmd, index) if operation_fn(cmd) == END_SPEC_EXECUTOR: break instruction_spec = index += 4 # Make the checksums for i, region in self.mem_regions: if isinstance(region, MemoryRegionReal): data = numpy.array(region.region_data, dtype="uint8") if data.size % BYTES_PER_WORD != 0: data = numpy.concatenate(( data, numpy.zeros( BYTES_PER_WORD - (data.size % BYTES_PER_WORD)))) self.__pointer_table[i]["n_words"] = int( math.ceil(region.max_write_pointer / BYTES_PER_WORD)) self.__pointer_table[i]["checksum"] = int(numpy.sum( data.view("uint32"))) & 0xFFFFFFFF else: self.__pointer_table[i]["n_words"] = 0 self.__pointer_table[i]["checksum"] = 0
[docs] def get_region(self, region_id): """ Get a region with a given ID. :param int region_id: The ID of the region to get :return: The region, or `None` if the region was not allocated :rtype: MemoryRegionReal or None """ return self.dsef.mem_regions[region_id]
@property def mem_regions(self): """ An enumeration of the mapping from region ID to region holder. :rtype: iterable(tuple(int, AbstractMemoryRegion or None)) """ return enumerate(self.dsef.mem_regions)
[docs] def get_header(self): """ Get the header of the data as a numpy array. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return numpy.array([APPDATA_MAGIC_NUM, DSE_VERSION], dtype="<u4")
[docs] def get_pointer_table(self, start_address): """ Get the pointer table as a numpy array. :param int start_address: The base address of the data to be written :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ pointer_table_size = MAX_MEM_REGIONS * self.TABLE_TYPE.itemsize next_free_offset = pointer_table_size + APP_PTR_TABLE_HEADER_BYTE_SIZE # Fill in the last bit of the pointer table for i, region in self.mem_regions: if isinstance(region, MemoryRegionReal): data = numpy.array(region.region_data, dtype="uint8") if data.size % BYTES_PER_WORD != 0: data = numpy.concatenate(( data, numpy.zeros( BYTES_PER_WORD - (data.size % BYTES_PER_WORD)))) self.__pointer_table[i]["pointer"] = ( next_free_offset + start_address) next_free_offset += region.allocated_size else: self.__pointer_table[i]["pointer"] = 0 return self.__pointer_table
@property def referenceable_regions(self): """ The regions that can be referenced by others. :rtype: list(int) """ return self.dsef.referenceable_regions @property def references_to_fill(self): """ The references that need to be filled. :rtype: list(int) """ return self.dsef.references_to_fill
[docs] def get_constructed_data_size(self): """ Return the size of the data that will be written to memory. :return: size of the data that will be written to memory :rtype: int """ return APP_PTR_TABLE_BYTE_SIZE + sum( region.allocated_size for _, region in self.mem_regions if isinstance(region, MemoryRegionReal))